Saturday, August 31, 2019

Impact of Advertising on Youth Essay

Definition Youth is considered as a period of transition from the dependence of childhood to the independence of adulthood. Due to the expansion of global higher education and delayed marriage, the period of time from youth to adulthood has been extended longer compared to before the expansion. As a result, the marketers, educators and policy makers consider youth stage as a stage that is becoming more important to them (Assaad and Roudi-Fahimi, 2007). According to United Nation (UN), they define ‘youth’ as â€Å"those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years† (UNESCO, 2013). Malaysia follows the United Nation’s definition of youth by changing the old age group of youth from 18 to 40 years old to the new age group of 18 to 25 years old under a new National Youth Policy (The Star Online, 2011). Based on Malaysia Demographics Profile 2014, the number of population for age structure 15 to 24 years old is 2, 580, 486 for male and 2, 511, 579 for female (Index Mundi, 2014). Consumer purchasing behaviour or also known as consumer buyer behaviour is studied to be an inseparable part of marketing and Schiffman (2007) state that consumer buying behaviour is â€Å"the behaviours that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs†. Advertising is a marketers’ technique and a method of communication to encourage and persuade potential or current consumers. These potential or current consumers can be viewers, readers or listeners and they will be persuaded to continue using the marketers’ services or products or take some new action after the advertisement. Sponsors commonly paid for the advertising messages and it can be viewed by means of numerous traditional media and new media (Upadhyay & Joshi, 2014). Advertising Industry in Malaysia In Malaysia, the advertising industry is considered as a profitable business. Malaysia spends about RM2.39 billion in the first half of the year 2007 and this is a 9% increase from the same period in the year 2006 where it is RM2.2 billion. This shows there is a steady growth for this industry in Malaysia (The Report Malaysia, 2008). Furthermore, from the year 2000, there is an increase of 76% for advertising expenditure with cinema, point-of-sale and radio advertising experiencing a triple-digit growth for this same period of time (The Report Malaysia, 2008). Although this industry is lucrative for business, the content for advertisement is highly restricted by the Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Content Code (MCMCC, 2009). Aim Malaysia’s total advertising expenditure rose 22% by the first half of 2008  compared to the last year’s advertising expenditure. This accounted to the expenditure of RM2.9 billion alone for advertisement (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, 2009). There is no certainty that the money spent on advertisements will give the necessary profits that these companies expected to gain. Due to the fact that the highest purchasing power belongs to the youths, the companies should target the existing youth market. In order to target this market, companies should be equipped with extensive knowledge on which aspect of advertisement that heavily influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. This research aims to find the factors of advertising that influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. As youth purchasing power is on the rise and the content of advertisement is highly restricted by the Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Content Code, it is imp erative for the marketers and advertisers to understand what aspects of advertisement that appeals to the eyes of the youth consumers. Motivation of this Study Global youth market is â€Å"an impressionable and loyal market that are making decisions and gathering information on products and companies that could last a lifetime† (Maddock, n.d.). The international marketers and advertisers consider the global youth market as a noteworthy market to consider due to its size, homogeneity and its rising purchasing power. Due to the consideration that they are a significant market, these knowledgeable consumers that are in the youth market have been sniped with promotions for most of their lives. Although there are many types of marketing weapons that can be used to influence them, advertising still remains as the main weapon due to its longer impact on viewer’s mind (Katke, 2007). Even though it is a known fact that youths’ purchasing power is on the rise compared to other range of age, there are still limited researches that have been done regarding this topic. Most researches centred on the relationship between advertising and general consumer purchasing behaviour in other countries. There are inadequate amount of research that was done concerning the relationship between advertising and youths’ purchasing behaviour in Malaysia. Therefore, this research is made to understand what makes an advertisement desirable to the Malaysian youths and its influences on their purchasing behaviour. Problem Statements The world in year 2014 is home to 1.8 billion young people from the age of 10 until 24 (UNFPA, 2014) and majority of the purchasing power belongs to them. This makes them the most persuasive in making purchasing decisions in terms of food, clothing and cars to entertainment and family vacations. They even have a say on what type of home they will live in (Jennifer Waters, 2006). This makes the youths an important target market for advertising agency and companies all around the world. The primary mission of advertisement is to reach the intended consumer and influence their awareness attitudes and buying behaviour. As they spend a huge sum of money to maintain the consumer’s interest in their products, they need to understand what catches the consumer’s interest. Furthermore, due to the heavy regulated nature of this business, it is vital to evaluate the factors of youths’ attitude towards advertising to discover what antecedents that would affect youths’ preferences are. Research Questions The research questions are as follows: 1. Which aspect of advertisement influence youths in purchasing the product or service? 2. What is the relationship between advertisement and youths purchasing behaviour? 3. Why is advertising critical in ensuring the survival of the company? Research Objectives The objectives of this research are to: 1. Identify the aspects of advertisement which influences youths in purchasing the product or service. 2. Determine the relationship between advertisement and youths’ purchasing behaviour. 3. Ascertain the importance of advertising in ensuring the survival of the company. Scope of this Research This research centres around the impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour. In this research, youth is considered as anyone from age 18 to 24 years old. Furthermore, this research will be conducted at four different private universities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (HELP University, Open University and University of Kuala Lumpur) as there is a limited amount of  money and time to travel to anywhere else. In addition, this research only consider students from different courses; one course per one private university. This research will only test whether the Independent Variables (credibility, informative, hedonic/pleasure, good for economy) influences the Dependent Variable (impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour). Significance of this research All companies in Malaysia spend a huge sum of money on marketing strategy of advertisement to introduce the product or services that they provide in market to consumers. Furthermore, with the restrictions to create creative advertisements from the Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Content Code, it made the job of the advertisers harder due to restricted contents that are allowed in an advertisement. Therefore, through this research, marketers and advertisers are able to identify the aspects of advertisements that youths in Malaysia prefer to have in an advertisement. This will help to save a lot of the marketing world’s expenditure and time as they are able to come up with a more efficient, successful and popular advertisement to suit the taste of youths in Malaysia. Theoretical Framework The dependent variable for this research is ‘impact of advertising on youth purchasing behaviour’. This research aims to find the factors of advertising that influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. The first independent variable is ‘credibility’. According to MacKenzie and Lutz (1989), advertising credibility is consumers’ overall awareness towards the honesty, reliability, dependability and credibility of an advertisement. The second independent variable is ‘informative’. As recipients react very positively towards advertisements that provide information, information is treated as a very valuable incentive in the marketing world (Varshney, 2003). The third independent variable in this research is ‘hedonic or pleasure’. Abd Aziz, Mohd Yasin, and Syed A. Kadir (2008) found that advertisements can be pleasurable and entertaining in enticing and retaining attention given to customers’ desires and requirements. Lastly, the fourth independent variable  is ‘good for economy’. Based on the research done by Bauer and Greyser (1968), over 70 percent of their research sample believed that the living standard increased due to advertising and this in turn led to good products. Underpinning Theory The underpinning theory that will be used as a guidance to accomplish part of this research is the Hierarchy of Effects Model by Robert J. Lavidge and Gary A. Steiner. This marketing communication model that was created in the year 1961 suggests that there are six stages that an advertiser has to guide the consumer to go through. After these six stages, the consumer has to decide whether to buy or not the products or services offered. The six stages comprises of awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and the final stage, purchase (Nguyen, 2013). This research will be using the Hierarchy of Effects Model as a guide to develop the questions in the research’s questionnaire and also as a guide to analyse and understand the research’s results. Proposed Research Methodology The main purpose of this research is â€Å"To Evaluate the Impact of Advertising on Youths’ Purchasing Behaviour† among Malaysian youths. A survey will be conducted amongst the private university students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and a thorough analysis of the results will be made. Sample Size A sample of â€Å"200† questionnaires will be distributed for the purpose of study and analysis. Sampling Unit Sampling unit consist of private university students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sampling Technique Convenience sampling technique (non-probability sampling) is going to be used for the survey. Questionnaire will be filled by the private university students. Data collection: data will be collected through primary and secondary sources. 1. Primary data: primary data are going to be collected with the assistance of structured questionnaire. 2. Secondary data: Source of secondary data is going to be collected using the help of published reports, journals, and credible websites. Sample In this research, the sample will consists of 200 students (N = 200) selected from university students from four private universities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia using convenient sampling technique. The sample size will be consisted of university students of age between 18 to 24 years old from four different courses. Survey Instruments The main objective of this research is to analyse the impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour for private university students in Kuala Lumpur. The data for this research will be collected by well developed, structured five point Likert Scale questionnaires. All of the questionnaires are going to be distributed among the students from four different private universities of four different courses. The answers from the questionnaire will be collected in a period of two weeks and the results will be analysed and evaluated using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 of IBM. The questionnaire is divided into two sections; section I and section II. Section I contains questions about the awareness about the advertisements and section II contains questions that describes the recent purchase the private students had done with the assistance of the advertisements that they have seen and attracted to. For this research, the Likert scale will contain a five point scale where number 1 is for strongly agrees while number 5 if for strongly disagrees. The five point Likert scale will be defined as below to help with the analysis of the results. (Number 1) Strongly agree (Number 2) Agree (Number 3) Neutral/No opinion (Number 4) Disagree (Number 5) Strongly disagree Conclusion Advertising industry is a very lucrative industry in Malaysia as it is able to make a high profit in a short time. The same cannot be said for any company that invests a huge amount of money in to make advertisements for their products or services. Advertising is a risk that companies have to  take in order to spread awareness to consumers about their new or existing products. When a particular advertisement is successful in catching the consumers’ attention and able to convince them to purchase the product or services, the sales for the company will increase but when it fails, the profits drops. As companies need to take such high risks every time they need to produce advertisements, it is important for them to know which market has the highest purchasing power and to have knowledge on how to attract these potential consumers. It is identified that youths have the highest purchasing power among all range of ages and this research aims to identify the factors of advertising that influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. This research’s theoretical framework consists of four independent variables that are credibility, informative, hedonic/pleasure and good for economy and the dependent variable is impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour. In order to execute the research, Hierarchy of Effects Model by Robert J. Lavidge and Gary A. Steiner will be used as an underpinning theory. Five point Likert Scale questionnaires will be distributed and collected in two weeks to university students from four different private universities. This research will be done in hopes that companies are able to produce more stimulating and successful advertisements to youths. References Abd Aziz, N., Mohd Yasin, N., & Syed A. Kadir, B. (2008). Web advertising beliefs and attitude: Internet users’ view. The Business Review, Cambridge, 9(2), 337-337. Advertising Development In Malaysia: Catching Eyebals in Changing Media. (2009, January 1). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Assaad, R., & Roudi-Fahimi, F. (2007, April 1). Youth in the Middle East and North Africa: Demographic opportunity or challenge? Retrieved from Bauer, R., & Greyser, S. (1968). Advertising in America: The consumer view. Unpublished Graduate Dissertation, Boston, MA: Harvard University. Gupta, M., Engelman, R., Levy, J., Luchsinger, G., Merrick, T., & Rosen, J. (2014, January 1). The Power of 1.8 Billion: Adolescents, Youth, and the Transformation of the Future. Retrieved from Katke, K. (n.d.). The Impact of Television Advertising on Child Health & Family Spending. Retrieved from Lim, W. (2011, November 17). Only those aged 18 to 25 defined as youth. Retrieved from MacKenzie, S., & Lutz, R. (1989). An empirical examination of the structural antecedents of attitude toward the ad in an advertising pretesting context. Journal of Marketing, 53, 48-65. MCMCC, The Malaysian communications and multimedia content code. (1998, January 1). Retrieved from http: // (V6-Final).PDF. Maddock, T. (n.d.). Youth Marketing: Tips for reaching the lucrative teen, tween and college markets. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/youth_marketing_whitepaper.pdf Malaysia Demographics Profile 2014. (2014, A ugust 23). Retrieved from Nguyen, H. (2013). The Hierarchy Model of Advertising Effects: A Debate. International Integration, 92-96. Schiffman, L., Hansen, H., & Kanuk, L. (2007). Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook. London: Pearson Education. The Report Malaysia. (2008). London, UK: Oxford Business Group. Upadhyay, P., & Joshi, J. (2014). Impact of Advertising on Buying Behavior of Youth in Kota City with Special Reference to Branded Outfits. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR), 2(2), 1-20. Varshney, U. (2003). Location management for mobile commerce applications in wireless internet environment. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 3(3), 236-255. Waters, J. (2006, October 11). Young, with tons of purchasing power. Retrieved January 13, 2015, from What do we mean by â€Å"youth†? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

My Life Plan Essay

My dream is to serve members of the community in the medical field as a Radiology Technician with care, compassion, and knowledge. I have had many influences from medicine, from past jobs as well as past experiences. I have worked in pharmacy as well as general medicine, internal medicine and orthopedics. My most significant influence to strive for a career in the medical field was by personal experience. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer at age 1. There were many, many doctors, nurses, radiologists, radiology technicians and medical personnel that assisted us in our long journey towards good health. Each of these had a huge impact on my life, now it is my turn to give back. In order to achieve my goal, my first challenge was to enroll in school. I have been out of college for over twenty years now; this was a huge decision, not just for me but for my whole family. My husband is also in medicine, he is a pharmacy technician and systems analyst at the hospital in the pharmacy department. Our girls, ages 17 and 9 are very active in school activities as well as sports and music; this meant they would have to take on more responsibilities at home. I am now in my first semester back in school. Just taking the first steps have been personally motivating as well as fulfilling. I know that any goals I set for myself are now within reach, regardless of whether they are long term or short term goals. I have set the bar high for myself, wanting to get A’s in all of my classes. Once my pre-requisites are complete, my next goal is to get into the Radiology Technician Program. Once I am there, I want to graduate with my Associates Degree as a Radiology Technician. I have my heart set on a career as a Radiology Technician. I want to help people as I have been helped by others. I want to be able to excel at my career, but also to provide the art of healing with compassion and care. I want to be able to help each patient with understanding, empathy, respect, kindness and thoughtfulness. I know that I can do this. I have confidence in myself that if I want this bad enough, I can complete all of the tasks in front of me to get there. I believe in myself and my family believes in me. I have support from friends that have gone back to college later in life that are now successful in their own careers. They are now a model to follow. Having my short term and long terms goals mapped out makes me aware of how important it is to achieve each goal. No matter how small or insignificant each goal is, each is a stepping stone to the next. If I miss a step, I can go back, but it will take me longer to get to my next goal. This â€Å"road map† will help me in all aspects of my life, school, family and career. I can keep adding goals to my list, keeping certain to achieve and master what lies ahead.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies for Piaget

The four stage theory of Jean Piaget’s demonstrates the way through which children acquire knowledge through playing. This is one of the most critically criticized physiological theories of all decades. The theory on how children build up knowledge faced many challenges. Also many of them are pletely justified. Due to his grand vision the theory is fitting to round off this series on over 10 crucial child psychology studies along with the work of well known Swiss developmental psychologists Jean Piaget (Trevarthen et al., 2016).   His theory implies that, the intellect of a human develops with the help of assimilation, play and a modation. In the current field of technology the growing role of education system efficiently supports the understanding of the children. The nature of the technology encounters the need that helps to support the children to maximize their benefits. ICT in playground may be iPods, cell phones, MP3 players and puter are used to allow access to pictures, Video cameras and moreover games also. There are many ICT games available for the children such as Super Mario, puzzle, sketchpad, angry bird etc which helps them to explore their knowledge level. With the help of these ICT technologies the children can acquire high level knowledge. The stages mentioned in this theory include sensorimotor, pre operational, concrete operation and formal operation. While prising ICT and children play it has been found that,   puter games help them to b e more familiar with technology.   This theory reflects that children play active roles in the cultural and historical theory of human culture. In order to refine and test the basic practices of schooldays the children nature are analyzed by Lev Vygotsky (Hamari & Nousiainen, 2015). This theory implies that even without the help of the adults, the children can reach their desired destination only learning from the society. This means that after playing different games in the childhood, the children can learn new skills and ideas from the society. With the help of new learning skills and ideas without any assistance the children can reach highest peak of success. In current days children are also widely using technology in their daily lives. ICT development in the early childhood provides high quality practices that are helpful to support the children development and learning. In order to make these choices the practitioners need to be much familiar with different tools. With the application of puter games and online games the children can learn a lot from the social context. This is the theory of how the children learn self regulation through playing. The theory developed by Sigmund Freud, states that playing is the way that helps to express all the socially unacceptable behaviors (Moore, 2017). Play also helps a child to expel his or her undesired feelings and all the actions through a much acceptable direction. The sense of control of the children reduces anxiety and also helps to express all their forbidden feelings. Not only traditional games but advanced puter gaming helps children to obtain sense of control over different events. In the early childhood children can gain self regulation power through play. ICT plays effective role in the early childhood days. Early childhood education and play both include many hardware and software as their technology. Play can promote abstract ideas through creating separation between the objectives and actions. Using both the action and objects children can effectively reach even beyond the standard development in cognition and self regulation. Not only this but also from ICT context, children also obtain mental representations on social roles and about the rules of society for self regulation. The theory developed by Gregory Bateson implies the way through which the children learn munication through playing. It is focused on the script that the children follow while playing any game. munication reflects the ability of the child and also their ability to learn something new (Siegler, 2016). The munication approach shared among the children is termed as Meta munication skill. After considering the ICT aspect it can be said that, for any child munication is an important tool that has to be used to share thoughts and ideas. ICT technology offers deep social changes that influence segment of the human life and children. The characteristics of play are related to different practical activities. prising the ways that help the children to learn municate drives the evolution through enabling organisms for rapid adoption of novel environment. Gregory, E., Lytra, V., & Ilankuberan, A. (2015). Divine games and rituals: how Tamil Saiva/Hindu siblings learn faith practices through play.  International Journal of Play,  4(1), 69-83. Hamari, J., & Nousiainen, T. (2015, January). Why do teachers use game-based learning technologies? The role of individual and institutional ICT readiness. In  System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on  (pp. 682-691). IEEE. Moore, R. C. (2017).  Childhood's domain: Play and place in child development  (Vol. 6). Routledge. Roskos, K. A. (Ed.). (2017).  Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple perspectives. Routledge. Siegler, R. S. (2016). Continuity and change in the field of cognitive development and in the perspectives of one cognitive developmentalist.  Child Development Perspectives,  10(2), 128-133. Trevarthen, C., Panksepp, J., Bentzen, M., Lakoseljac-Andreasen, C., Rubin, P. B., Winstead, M., ... & Goldstein, B. (2016).  Inclusion, Play and Empathy: Neuroaffective Development in Children's Groups. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Leadership Development within XXX Ltd Case Study

Leadership Development within XXX Ltd - Case Study Example Charismatic leaders were attributed powerful qualities by those who follow them; traditional leaders were powerful by virtue of hereditary wealth or peerage; legal leadership draws its power from professional knowledge and technical expertise, and formal authority was legitimised through roles or position in the bureaucratic hierarchy. As such, formal authority is legitimated by subordinates' understanding and respecting rules and authority (Buchanan, Huczynski, 2003, pp. 90-98). In contrast to Weber's approach, more recent sociological approaches to leadership have been more concerned with notions of power rather than leadership per se. As such, the study of leadership is less about the individual and more about how power structures allow domination and control over others. XXX Ltd. has considered leadership programmes that give their employees' with a self-directed career path that initiates their individual and professional development within the company. Buchanan and Huczynski (2003, pp. 90-98) discusses that the programmes courses present a number of leadership activities that enhances the learning value whilst sharpening the skills of the leaders and their leadership skills within the company. XXX Ltd. has given their employees the opportunity to utilise these leadership development programs in initiating the growth of their career and to cultivate business diversity and cross-functional flexibility. These programmes are offered up to the 'high potential' employees who are deserving of succeeding through the various stages of the leadership development process on both a novice and advanced level. Either level of the programme will hold specialised leadership activities that sustain the six sigma methodologies and incorporate a 360-Degree feedback approach to a multi-faceted learning environment that incorporates classroom learning with multi-business rotational assignments. This paper discusses leadership development in the context of XXX Ltd. in a concise and comprehensive way. The paper also discusses key concept and theories of leadership development i.e. transformational leadership, transactional leadership and other key concepts and theories. Aims and the Objective of the Study The aim of this study is to discuss leadership development in XXX Ltd and to critically examine BM's Integrated Leadership Framework for middle managers; in particular it's effectiveness in developing the required transformational leadership capabilities, with a view to developing a set of practicable recommendations for enhanced practice. This study tries to achieve the following aims and objectives. a-This study achieves a critical literature review on Leadership, especially on contemporary transformational leadership and describes, in particular, the potential benefits, challenges and recommendations of good practice. b- The study aims to profile BM's Leadership Framew

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Discussion Board - Assignment Example Therefore instead of looking at their own interests, they should be looking at the interest and welfare of those that they serve. In this case, they are able to be examples just as the number one leader in Jesus Christ was (Maxwell, 2007). In this sense, leaders must purport to serve others first in order to be able to accomplish the goal as a whole group and not just as an individual person. They should forget about the leadership. This form of leadership is important in the sense that it encourages team effort. It makes those in the position to be led. It means that if one person was in a position to do the task alone, it could have been done. Thus being in a leadership position to gain all the praise rather than to serve the people is being in the leadership position for a gain and not to help others. If Jesus provided this example by washing the feet of his disciples, then other leaders should follow the same. Servant leadership helps others to lead by example. For this reason, it is important to rely on Jesus will and ways in relation to leadership as it is only through this way that leaders can become the best leaders. They will be able to do things for others and not think of themselves. The Bible shows people serving others eagerly and not just for their gain (1 Peter 5:2-4). Thus following Jesus means following the humble manner. Jesus was able to lead in humility, love, compassion and in fellowship with others. It is important to note that leadership is not a single sill but the collective teaching of what is in the Bible. Thus, for a leader to be effective, he must emulate good qualities to the best of their abilities. This can be done by copying Jesus (Iwuala,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Is this a great essay or what Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is this a great or what - Essay Example It is a kind of printed appearances on topical contemporary questions. In fact, it is the time in Twain’s life and work, which is marked by satirical rage, bitterness, and despair, sharply contrasting with the prevailing view of the writer as a laughing humorist, which has been living in the readers’ minds for a long time, and making late Twain one of the truly tragic figures of American culture. In particular, in his essay â€Å"The Damned Human Race† he questions the status of man as a supreme being in the hierarchy of living creatures of planet Earth. In typical to him unmasking manner of that period of creativity, Mark Twain brings into being a great American essay extremely conforming to the standards of writing an essay according to Lapham’s notion. The first obvious Lapham’s norm, which is brightly represented in Twain’s â€Å"The Damned Human Race†, is writing an assay as a depiction of thoughts through their audition on the paper or any other way. It is some sort of improvisation, or rather a flurry of speculations on a concrete acute topic. As we can see from the analyzed essay, Twain represents his own vision, his own understanding of the origin of a mankind through making contrasts of parallel lines of behavior patterns of human beings and animals. His striking and challenging idea becomes that particular fact that comes from his own supervisions and serves as an unpredictable concept, which makes people’s minds to protest or question their precede knowledge of the issue. And this is a specific feature of an improvisational manner of reflections. The central point for Twain’s argument against the highest nature of men is their cruelty, meanness, and consumer nature in comparison with hig her principles of animals’ existence, dictated by the laws of nature only. In a point of Twain’s fact, humans enslave each other on the basis of dependence and money ranking; kill dissidents and representatives of other religious

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example For the purpose of this study a group of university students whose parents were divorced before the age of 16 were examined. The findings revealed that the relationship of children who had spent more time with their fathers after the divorce was better in the long run, regardless of the parent conflict. It also revealed that those who were exposed to parental conflict for a longer time had troubled relationship with their fathers in the long run and they appeared to be distressed about the divorce, as well as about the independent time they spent with their fathers. Furthermore it also revealed that poor father – child relationship led to poor health status of the children. Forehand, R., Nicholas, L., & Brody, G. (1988). Divorce and marital conflict: Relationship to adolescent competence and adjustment in early adolescence . In E.M. Hetherington & J.D. Arasteh (Eds.). Impact of divorce, single parenting, and stepparenting on children . (pp. 155-167). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. This study illustrates the various issues faced by adolescent children of divorced parents. It studies and explains the manner in which they try to cope with the dynamic world around them and highlights the need for a safe and secure home which assures them of stability and a hospitable environment, which is not disrupted by any kind of conflict or clashes. This particular study offers valuable information about the adjustments these children are made to undergo and the challenges they face as part of growing up and at the same time coping with broken relationships of their parents. This study is mostly based on the very first year after divorce and is short term in nature. The long term consequences of divorce on adolescents are not covered in this study. This study aims to examine the issues faced by families post divorce and remarriage and its impact on children. The issues studied, include the moral values and

Goldman Sachs Fraud Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Goldman Sachs Fraud Case - Research Paper Example Goldman Sachs Fraud Case Introduction Goldman Sachs defrauded investors by failing to reveal the apparent conflict of interest on mortgage investment it floated as the housing market became sour. The charges that were brought forward by the Securities Exchange Commission against Goldman Sachs argued for unlawful action and fraud in the trading of toxic subprime mortgage derivative securities. Nevertheless, Goldman Sachs affirmed that they were merely following normal business practices and had not committed any wrong. The Goldman Sachs fraud case elicited critical issues centering on the inadequacy of the investment banking practices, and raised the question whether it is a case of deceptive or unethical behavior (Craig & Scannell, 2010). The three-month legal ordeal erased close to $20billion of the firm’s stock-market value. A lively public discussion that followed the charge of Goldman Sachs by SEC centered on whether Goldman Sachs, broadly viewed as an embodiment of bubble -era greed, was also a lawbreaker. Questions emanated on whether Goldman bankers warranted condemnation for deliberately exploiting the naivety of investors to gain from the trading of debt instruments that were bets on a market Goldman Sachs was doomed to collapse (Whalen & Bhala, 2011). Although the transaction entailed in the SEC’s lawsuit can be regarded as small by Goldman Sachs’ standards, its arrangement alludes to weighty questions regarding the fault of the banks in driving up a market within mortgage-derived securities that lingered practically inclined to self-destruction (Buell, 2011). The SEC was asking whether Goldman Sachs gained from both sides in a way that contravened their fiduciary obligation to their customers. The SEC claimed that investors essentially lost over $1billion dollars and that Paulson’s short option debt instrument on the credit instrument derived a profit of more than $1billion (Jones, 2010). Email traffic pointed out that Tour re plus others were aware of the subprime mishap as early as January 2007 before the crisis became full blown. The SEC sought a restriction, disgorgement of profits, and sanctions with regard to interest and civil monetary penalties (Craig & Scannell, 2010). In addition to these charges, criminal prosecutors were exploring whether Goldman Sachs or its employees committed securities fraud with regard to the firm’s mortgage trading. #1 The Fraud Goldman’s case entailed four forms of securities that all played some roles amid the 2008 financial downturn: first, the residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) embodying a form of security derived from pooling of mortgages on residential real-estate into bonds; a credit-default swap (CDS) representing a form of insurance policy; a collateralized debt obligation (CDO) representing a debt security collateralized by debt obligation; and, synthetic CDO’s (SCDOs) equivalent to ordinary to ordinary CDOs excluding that inv estors own CDOs on real securities rather than the real securities themselves. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a civil fraud charge against Goldman Sachs & Co, as well its vice presidents for fraud for misrepresenting information meant for investors by misstating key facts regarding a financial product connected to subprime mortgages at a moment when the housing market within the United States started to crumble and lose value (Buell, 2011).  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Refuting the Link between Autism and Vaccines Research Paper

Refuting the Link between Autism and Vaccines - Research Paper Example Ever since Dr. Wakefield brought into light the link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, the medical world has been thrown into controversy. Charges and counter charges have been made with no clear theory on the validity of the allegation. The medical fraternity, in which Dr. Wakefield was a member, was split into camps with some denying the link and some supporting Dr. Wakefield’s claim. To go by the facts, Dr. Wakefield along with his colleagues found that MMR immunization caused side effects like developing â€Å"intestinal symptoms and subsequent autistic regression† (Kemp & Hart, 2010, para 3) in patients immediately after the immunization. The article that they published, claiming the link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, created havoc as parents showed full resistance to the immunization process of their babies (Kemp & Hart, 2010). Parents also questioned the use of thimerosal, a by-product of mercury, as a preservative in the vaccine. Following Wakefield†™s findings, further studies have been conducted regarding this issue and the result was again a mixed response. Though no substantial evidence of the link could be established, the theory of the harmful effect of thimerosal could not be dispellel. This paper will weigh the different postulations for and against the allegation that vaccines, in particular the MMR vaccine, cause Autism. I will concentrate on the different perspectives related to the controversy. It would focus on issues supporting the allegation like the cover up policy of CDC on the Autism-vaccine true picture, the unprecedented use of thimerosal in vaccines for commercial reasons; as well as on the opposite views that nullifies the claim on the basis of lack of evidence and research findings. Considering the absence of substantial proof about the possible link, I could not support Wakefield’s theory. In placing my argument refuting the link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, I will focus on unbiased con crete data based research outcomes and established theories. Claims That Autism is Linked to Vaccines Following Dr Wakefield’s claim, there has been a spate of studies on the same topic (Kemp & Hart, 2010). A number of scientists and research professionals have claimed the authenticity of Wakefield’s finding. Their support of the theory is based on certain research outcomes that indicate a possible link between Autism and the MMR vaccine, containing thimerosal (mercury) and aluminium. They claim that the MMR vaccine is the main reason for the growing rate of Autism in children. The proponents of the possible link explain that as the onset of Autism is determined to be at the age of 2 years, also the age at which MMR immunization is done; there is every possibility of Autism being caused by MMR vaccine. The Culprit Vaccine Habakus (2011, p. 1954) records show that out of 163 articles on the Autism-vaccine issue, 43 of the researched papers theorized in favour of the po ssible link. He is implying that there is a big population among researchers who have suspected the possible effect of the MMR vaccine in causing Autism. Habakus believes that the government and media are conjointly suppressing the research implications of Autism-vaccine link and highlighting those that refute any such possibility. Habakus (2011) concentrates on certain factual details, concrete findings and also draws relevant evidences and builds his argument on them. He starts his case by pointing out the incident in which ten

Friday, August 23, 2019

Discussion board forum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Discussion board forum - Assignment Example Concurrently, it is domineering that ethical issues are considered during the formulation of the evaluation plan; likewise, the most common and essential considerations during the process include: informed consent, voluntary participation, do no harm (Beneficence), respect for confidentiality and anonymity, respect for privacy and assessment of only the relevant components. Informed consent is considered to be the most major ethical issue in conducting research and most of the experienced researchers give it the definition of a person expressively, willingly and logically, and in a clear and manifest way gives his consent (Deborah 2003). Basically, it is one of the most outright ways that a person’s autonomy is protected as it circles around that particular person being fully informed about the evaluation being conducted. The informed consent ethic seeks to integrate the rights of self-governing participants through autonomy and also prevent assaults on the integrity of the patient and protect personal freedom and genuineness (Johnstone 2009). Any additional information should also be provided in any event that the participant becomes distressed in any way since the main purpose of informed consent is that the participant is able to make informed decision as to whether they will participate in the evaluation or not. Normally, voluntary participation goes hand in hand with the informed consent ethic and means that the people participate in the evaluation free from intimidation and they are free to withdraw their participation at any time without negatively impacting on their involvement in future services or the current program and relationships with any of the researchers or research bodies involved (Deborah 2003). Sometimes there can be a lot of challenges especially in situations where one has the task of encouraging high risk youth to become engaged in a program hence making the situation difficult mostly when the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

In Miltons paradise lost, god Essay Example for Free

In Miltons paradise lost, god Essay In Miltons Paradise Lost, God is portrayed as having limited influence and contact with our world. This is perhaps a result of his respect for free will/conscience. This lack of contact is supported by one; Gods passiveness, there are several situations in the book in which God seems like he should be able to influence events but he simply doesnt act. When he does act, he acts indirectly. God seems to execute his plans through either his angels or his son. Finally, perhaps the best indication of Gods limited connections is in the cases where God uses complicated, elaborate plans to do things that if he really had 100% power he would perform simply and immaculately. In the book Paradise Lost, God plays a relatively passive role considering that he is by far the most significant character in this book. He seems to sit up on his heavenly throne and observes rather than interact with his creations. A good case of this is in Book three lines 80-90, when God watches Satan ascending from hell. It would seem that when he was alerted by Uriel, the archangel would have been a good time to intervene and smite down Satan. It almost seems like Miltons God wants the events of Paradise Lost to transpire because he yields so many times at so many opportunities to stop Satan. Satan should have been stopped at the very beginning. God must have foreseen this incident (the partaking of the forbidden fruit,) after all, does he not have sight of the future, past and present? (Book Three lines 75-80) Sadly, no-one will ever know what God was planning when he allowed Satan to run rampant in the garden. Or then again, maybe God wasnt planning anything at all but rather leaving events to unfold without divine intervention, thus his seeming respect for free will. The only problem with that theory though, is that God punished Adam and Eve for making a decision with the free will that he gave them. Two other instances make cases against Gods absolute power. Why was hell so easily escaped by Satan? One would think that a Purgatory created by God himself would be impenetrable. Even stranger is the case with the Angelic War. Although for the most part symbolic, God either was not capable or at least unwilling to strike down Satans attempted conquest before it began. Instead, God chose once again to remain passive and allow things to go along for awhile. A good question to ask at this point is just what are Gods intentions? If he truly wanted a perfect heaven with conformist angels, what is stopping him from taking their free will? That leads to the point that possibly the reason why Gods influence is limited is his own conscience, based on his respect of free will. When God does act in the story, it is almost exclusively indirectly through his Son, (as in Book Nine,) or through his Archangels. The most well-known case where God acts through his Son is when God sent him down to be sacrificed upon the cross. Although this specific event does not occur within this story, the reasoning behind it is lengthily discussed especially in Book Three. This however, only supports the thesis if one believes that Jesus is the son of God rather than the Christian view that God IS Jesus. (John, 8:58) Based on how Milton writes, it shows that he is using the interpretation of the Bible in which Jesus was created by God. Jesus plays a sympathetic role when it comes to mankind and often influences Gods decisions on what to do about Adam and Eve. He persuades God to allow him to go down to heaven to inform Adam about his state of sin. In this case, Jesus actually influences God rather than the usual case with God giving orders and Jesus acting carrying them out. God also acts a lot through his throng of angels. The archangels are his main instruments of manipulation. Of the seven archangels, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel are the three most influential. God acts through Raphael most often. Raphael plays a large role in starting in Book Five lines 246-249 So spake thEtetnal Father, and fulfilld All Justice: nor delayd the winged Saint (Raphael)after his charge receivd. Raphael then proceeds down to the Garden to warn Adam and Eve of the impending danger posed by Satan. Raphael also spends Book Six and Book Seven informing Adam of the war in heaven and then telling him the nature of his own creation. Michael and Gabriel have slightly smaller roles than Raphael does; but they do get a chance to enact Gods will when he orders them to lead the faithful Angels in the war against Satan. The final case to prove Gods limited interactions and influence is when God seems to have to work around rules that he must have created himself. A good example of this is when he prepares for the redemption of man. It simply doesnt make sense that if God desires to redeem his creations that he simply doesnt grant them redemption from their sins. Instead he schemes up the elaborate plan to send his son down to receive punishment in place of man. Once again, this could be explained by God having to act within the parameters of what his conscience will allow, (regarding free will). Maybe God has to do these elaborate things so that he can justify to himself the redemption of man. Maybe he thinks that it is only right that somebody receives punishment. Cases similar in nature occur when God didnt keep Satan from entering the Garden of Eden and when he had to send the great flood. If not for his respect for free will, God wouldnt have had to allow mankind to sink so low. In Paradise Lost, Milton presents a God that is strangely limited in his actions and influence with his own creations. Whether through passiveness, indirectness, or a conscious distancing of himself God seems to allow many things to happen without direct intervention. However, this is not really a novel concept; people throughout history have questioned the concept of an all-powerful God in a very imperfect world.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Applying Risk Management Strategies Essay Example for Free

Applying Risk Management Strategies Essay In this PE assessment, we learned to apply risk management strategies to outdoor activities associated with the water/beach such as snorkelling and swimming. Our class practiced snorkelling skills (ie. Clearing snorkels, equalising, dolphin kicking) in the school pool and at Picnic Bay/Mangawhai which was preparation for snorkelling at Goat Island marine reserve. We analysed the possible risks and hazards that could occur during these activities and the factors that may cause them. As a class, we had to come up with strategies to prevent these risks and hazards to insure everybody’s safety. (Strategy 1) In any activity relating to water, the biggest issue would be someone drowning or getting lost out to sea due to strong currents which may lead to an even worse scenario such as death. So we decided that having safety buddies was a suitable strategy to apply to these risks. We had to pair up with a classmate and they would be your safety for whatever activity. We did not have designated safety buddies so we paired up with different people most of the time. A safety buddy’s job is to make sure your buddy was fine and dandy and nothing was wrong, insuring each other’s safety. If your buddy was in danger or in distress, it would be your job to aid him or notify a supervisor depending how severe the situation was. For example, my safety buddy was Joshua. I unluckily suffered a muscular cramp in my calf when we were in the estuary (Picnic Bay). This situation could easily escalate to a more severe situation, but I was able to tell my safety buddy Joshua that I was in distress and he notified Ms Parkinson (supervisor) who told me to swim back ashore before carrying on any further into the strong currents. Another example would be when we were at Goat island, when we were exploring the waters, only one of you are allowed to dive down under at a time while your safety buddy had to watch over you. This made sure we were supervised by someone at all times so we did not lose one another. If we were allowed to dive whenever we wished, we could easily lose sight of each other and split up. This strategy is relevant to these risks during snorkelling because it is suitable for any outdoor activity that involves a group or class that lack a number of parent or teacher supervisors, since 1 or 2 upervisors cannot always keep an eye of every single student. So relying on classmates was better and efficient alternative. I think this has a positive effect on us students because our safety lies in the hands of our classmates, so it requires us to be more responsible and cooperative, hence it aspires us to be a more responsible, sensible and mature person working better with others. In my opinion, we should’ve been entitled/assigned to a buddy so that the person you were paired up with would be your buddy at all times. This could potentially save a bit more time before starting activities where as we would have to choose anyone before each activity. Also this could improve our social kills, working better with others and having a chance to get along with everyone. (Strategy 2) Throughout these activities we used equipment such as snorkel masks, flippers and wetsuits. Knowingly, the gear that we used required certain care to prevent any damage to them. if the equipment was damaged in any way then we’d have to replace or pay for the damages inflicted to the gear. especially when we were at Goat Island, where we hired the gear. All of them needed to fit properly or else they could pose multiple issues to us. We also used suitable gear to protect us from several risks we would encounter in the water. Risks such as getting sunburnt, and also our hair was an issue as it would get in the way and get caught in your mask. So the risk management strategies we used were looking after the gear, providing adequate care, and make sure the equipment was a suitable for you. For example, when we were snorkelling in the water, if the masks were too loose and did not seal tightly, water would seep through into the mask which may become an irritation when in the water. Your flippers needed to fit properly and feel comfortable. If they were too tight they would eventually begin to hurt your feet and if they were too loose they would fall off. For me, if the flippers did not fit comfortably, it made me more vulnerable to foot or leg cramps, which could possibly advance to a more dangerous situation. At Goat island we hired wetsuits, which provided sun protecting when we were in the water since the sunscreen would’ve been washed off. We were also provided with head caps which help keep out hair in place and prevent foreign organism from getting in there. e were advised not to sit on the rocks , as this would scratch holes onto the backside of the wetsuit. Having these risk management strategies for our equipment was relevant since the gear we used at Goat Island were not our own and were hired locally, it meant extra caution and care would be needed when using their equipment. Not applying these strategies could create potential risks which cou ld jeopardize our safety. These strategies allowed us to snorkel comfortably in the water without complication such as getting burnt or constantly adjusting your mask. Also when we were done with the gear, no damage was inflicted to any equipment. When we were practising snorkelling in-school. We should have had our own snorkel and flippers to use. Since a people were complaining about the sizing on the flippers and snorkels. OR each student should’ve chosen their flippers and snorkels at the very beginning of the assessment, and they would keep and use them throughout the whole standard. This could be a better alternative than students having to try on the gear and find out which one fits for them at the beginning of each period when snorkelling. Strategy 3) We identified that the weather was a risk as it can affect us in a lot of ways. Factors such as how strong and direction of winds, tides, currents and swells could affect our safety and determined how good our snorkel experience will be. Checking the weather forecast prior to doing our activities/going on trips was a relevant strategy to this risk because it gave us a fair idea on what to expect, allowing us to prepare for what additional things we’d have to bring or if we decide whether or not to postpone the trip. We would have to check the weather ourselves the day before we wanted to do any activity. Ms Parkinson would check as well and show the class, for those who didn’t check. When we were preparing to go to Mangawhai and Goat island we check the winds, tides, currents and swells together as a class and decide whether the conditions were suitable or not. At our first Mangawhai trip, and also the Goat Island trip, the weather was expected to be good, sunny/ clear skies, so we brought sunscreen and a hat(if you wanted to) to protect us from the sun and getting sunburnt. On our second trip to Mangawhai , the weather wasn’t as great, as there were strong winds, strong currents and big swells. This meant the visibility wasn’t very good in the water, and the strong wind caused us to become very cold quickly, especially when we got out of the water. We brang warm clothing such as a sweater, track pants etc, to keep warm since getting hypothermia could have possibly been a risk. Some people (Bryn and William) brung their own wetsuits when we went to Mangawhai so that they’d stay warm in the water. This strategy helped us prepare and adapt to the weather so that none of us were really affected significantly. Next time, extra dates should be reserved when going on out of school trips such as Picnic bay (Mangawhai). Since the weather on one of the trips weren’t very good because of strong winds, currents and big swells, which limited our time in the water because of people, such as myself, became colder more quickly. Postponing to a reserved day where the weather was better(hopefully), would mean a better snorkelling experience, and would lessen the chances of people getting a cold or hypothermia.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Contemporary Issues In Branding Marketing Essay

The Contemporary Issues In Branding Marketing Essay INTRODUCTION The history of the brand Paul Smith is somewhat unusual and requires special attention. Indeed Paul Smith was not originally made for the world of Haute Couture Fashion there but fate led him to this path there. Originally Paul Smith wanted to be a professional cyclist but a terrible accident befell him which forced him to abandon those dreams. But he conceived a passion for fashion and sewing, so in 1970 he opened a small clothing store in Nottinghams hometown away from big name fashion based in London. He decides to take evening classes in sewing and in 1976 he introduced his menswear collection in Paris under the Paul Smith brand. In 20 years it is established as the British designers most prominent. He succeeded brilliantly blend with the contemporary and traditional British while anticipating trends beautifully. Paul Smith has the ability to anticipate, and even spark off trends not only fashion goal in the wider context of popular culture (website Paul Smith 2009). Today the brand has 12 different collections, boutiques worldwide, a turnover of  £ 171 m and sales are growing between 50-60% since 1993. (S Bruzzi and PC Gibson 2005). However this success was no accident. Before discussing the strategy of the brand Paul Smith, we are interested in what a brand means. Indeed for (American Marketing Association 1960) is a trademark a name, term, design, symbol or any other features that identifies one sellers good or service as distinct from other sellers Those gold. This means that each brand is unique and requires the consumer to bind to it. A man does not give a woman a box of branded chocolates Because she is hungry. Instead, he selects a brand that communicates something about his relationship with her. (Leslie Chernatony and Malcolm McDonald). In addition to a successful brand to penetrate the market it must develop a sound strategy A brand can not function without a strategy.(CIM) In this sense we will establish brand strategy Paul Smith and try to find ideas for future development. The Brand indentity, Brand Onion The strategy of a mark as said above prominently. Indeed the goal of strategy is to obtain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. From (Arnold, 1992) strategy for a brand is the means by which have established the brand in the consumers mind that he has the impression that the purchase gives it an advantage. In addition, a consumer generally does not retain 3 brands per category of product where the goal for Paul Smith to be part of those 3 brands in this market highly fragmented and highly competitive. The strategy chosen by Paul Smith is to position itself behind a mark of luxury. To understand the process undertaken by Paul Smith would be wise to start with the Brand Onion Analysis is a tool for studying the brand identity. This tool represents a cross section showing the different layers of positioning the brand Paul Smith. So we have a side position which represents the internal brand identity and positioning the other side shows the external image. However this model is far from complete since it does not incorporate the concepts of competition there is the concept of customer brand perception BRAND ONION PAUL SMITH Which brings us to the theory of which Kapferer celoni to know the real identity of the brand Paul Smith must answer 6 questions are What is the brands particular aim?, What makes it different?, What is the need fulfilling brand?, What is its permanent nature?, What are its value or values?, What is its field of competence? Of Legitimacy?, What are the signs Which make the brand recognizable? (The new strategic brand management, Kapferer, 2004). By answering the questions we see that Paul Smith is planning to focus on the authenticity of products with unique luxury design very British. What can be said that the brand Paul Smith is building a true identity which has not changed since its inception. For proof, all these shops are the same worldwide. Furthermore it keeps a certain closeness to the customer because he does not hesitate to get out of these offices in the shop in London to advise customers on clothing or accessories. (Paul Smith website). The graphic brand also occupies an important place in the strategy of a mark to it which allows it to recognize a particular brand to a consumer and shall convey universe. Choosing symbols requires a clear definition of what the brand means (The New Strategic Brand Management, Kapferer, 2004, p 174). To brand Paul Smith that is characterized by the features of different colors. Following this we must determine the image of Paul Smith from Riezebos (2003) networks of knowledge elements stored in long term memory What mean all information of a mark stored in the long term and it gives credibility to a brand therefore the Paul Smith brand that is equivalent to the authenticity of a traditional British style, a luxury brand, International, contemporary lines of many colors dear, close, special design, fashion and quality at last. Positioning A brand to thrive in the marketplace must know its position. How To (Keller 2003). For this we use the points of parity and points of difference more generally known as POPs (point of parity) and PODS (points-of-differences). For the POPS we look at what is similar compared to these competitors and the PODS we look at what makes the difference. According to (Keller 2003) a mark must know who are the targets, competitors and how the brand is perceived by the consumer. The Paul Smith brand is therefore in a position of luxury, as well as traditionalism contemporanee, quality, unity of design which makes a mark rich, bold and authentic because it has managed to keep its guideline for it. This allows the consumer to recognize in Paul Smith a sure bet that a true story and unparalleled expertise. Differentiation Brand usually chooses the differentiation strategy because it is a good way to outperform to their competitors. By differentiation it means superior quality, brand image or unique features. And as said Levitt (1980) there are four main phases of differentiation as following: Potential product = product with brand universe Augmented product = Products with some differentiation Expected product = Basic expectations products Generic product = store brand products In others words, when we use this model to Paul Smith, generic and expected product is a basic store brand t-shirt. Although augmented product is a high quality and special design for a t-shirt and potential product is the same one t-shirt with some brand image and universe (values, identityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). That is why it appears clear that Paul Smith offers a large range of potential product. Indeed, Paul Smith is a luxurious fashion brand but their offering is quietly different to Kenzo or Hugo Boss. Behind the purchase of Paul Smith clothes customer wants to buy design, quality, and history or also brand valueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ What are characteristic to Paul Smith. And this differentiation strategy is Paul Smith roots without this Paul Smith does not exist or exist as a basic fashion brand. Brand extension and architecture Brand extension is when a company chooses to diversify their range of products by appealing to different segments and a much larger audience. (Keller 2008) say using sub-brands to target new market segment within the same product category.There are two main types of diversification: related (which introduces products in the same range) and unrelated (which launches in different range). As Paul Smith is a famous fashion brand with a clear differentiation strategy, extend it would be easier by using brand notoriety through the launch of sub-brands to target new market segment within the same product category. Actually the fact to diversify its offers is a well-known practice which aims to gain market share. Therefore, people who particularly enjoy the Paul Smith colored lines and spirit they could also have the choice in a larger range of products built as following: Paul Smith Fragrance lotion Accessories Womenswear Menswear Bags, purses, wallets, luggage Spectacles and sunglasses Shoes Furniture: rugs, china Hats, scarves, gloves, socks Cufflinks Watches Books Stationary Paul smith gifts collection china Watches Jewellery Paul smith jeans Paul smith red ear PS by Paul smith Paul smith London Paul smith mainline men Paul smith swimwear Paul smith underwear Paul smith man Paul smith women Paul smith rose Paul smith sunshine Paul smith extreme Paul smith black Paul smith, mainline women Paul smith by Paul smith Paul smith swimwear Hence, between all their sub-brands and whatever the segment or also the products there is coherence. Indeed, they all own to Paul Smith brand and then respect the brand image, values, style in a whole. This extension allows Paul Smith to increase their global sells and thus gives to the brand the opportunity to gain new customer. That is why, Paul Smith brand extension means more products but also more notoriety. Question 2 The market for haute couture is to fashion is a highly competitive market that is constantly changing, leaving room only brand who knew the value and who managed to speak with her. We will try to find solutions for 5 and 10 years for the brand Paul Smith manages to differentiate itself from other brands and thus register more in his style and values that make Paul Smith is a unique brand. To establish a sound strategy and propose ideas axis to follow it must first know the fashion market, but also all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of brand Paul Smith. We have therefore identified in the table below represents a SWOT and marketing mix with all these data. Then the fashion market is 130 billion euros in 2007 (Eurostaf, 2007), it is segmented as follows volume. 15.9% for the Ready to Wear, Glasses 7.9%, Jewelry-watch 11.8%, 10.4% Leather, Footwear 3.9%, 3.1% accessory, Art House 1 4%, 23.4% and Wellness Wines and Spirits 22.5% (Eurostaf, 2007). However we must also consider the geographical location of purchasing volume to provide new routes to follow consistent. America represents 33% of sales 29.1% Asia, Rest of World 2.4%, Europe 35.5% (Eurostaf, 2007). According to the figures and SWOT brand Paul Smith must mark covers a solid strategy and consistent differentiation in order to differentiate themselves in the short and long term. Collection (5 years) In this sense, and after the first analysis the brand Paul Smith should start in a new childrens collection, baby to broaden its range of consumer and thus differentiate themselves. However this style of collection already exists for large brand like Kenzo, Christian Lacroix and therefore it will be difficult to prevail in this new market for already occupied by a great brand. Then it would be wise to make the brand more affordable timely example by creating special collections for large chains ready-to-wear such as H M and Sonia Riquiel. The advantage is that it does not cost very expensive to design for Paul Smith, more than it helps to know the brand to a wider range of people since it affects all socioeconomic classes and therefore it allows it to include brand in the minds of people, which allows it to know more. Emergence (5 à   10 yearss) One notes from the figure that the Asian market represents 29.1% of share volume and the rest of the world represents only 2.4% so it certainly would make sense for the brand Paul Smith to extend further more in the Asian market by opening such stores in Vietnam, India, China or Russia are countries undergoing expansion and economic growth. Also Paul Smith knows well the Asian culture and the market having already great reputation in Japan. He could easily adapt it to end these new market very applicant Luxury. Fair-Trade (10 years) Ecology, organic products and fair trade are Fashionable. For Paul Smith is a chance to differentiate itself from other brands. In fact any luxury brand clothing offers no organic or fair trade. It would be very interesting to offer clothes from organic cotton and fair trade as it is more justified are brand contemporary and traditional British register that fact in the times by offering luxury clothing but environmentally conscious and men who produce these fabrics. Also this will make mention of the brand Paul Smith tends the founder of a new market niche. Communication (5 yearss) The Paul Smith brand communicates only rarely and not at all entered into a system of advertising increased as one might see in any other brand. But even if that differentiates it from other brands it might in the long term to be forgotten and so therefore get danger. To avoid this it is imperative that the brand continues to propose partnerships with various industries positioned in other markets. Furthermore it would be wise to make a Sponsorship with great charity as the fight against cancer and the fight against AIDS, which allow the brand to communicate citizen in the eyes of consumers and thus differentiate it from other brands Luxury to attract more customers. Finally, to continue this communication it is interesting that regularly offers worldwide shows presenting the new collections but also with the spirit Paul Smith with partnerships. Furthermore it could provide food for charitable continue branding citizen. Conclusion The Paul Smith brand is a brand in itself and deserves his place among the greatest of Fashion. She knew how to combine a knowledge uncommon and has kept a single guideline that has originality. Despite increased competition she knew her escape unscathed by conveying an image identical across years. Nevertheless the figures show that the market is changing and it would be wise to find a new segment to differentiate itself from other brands. In the mainstream located above it will have a strong chance to continue in the next 10 years or even become a pioneer in some field and therefore develop a model for other luxury brands.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Osi Model Essay -- Networks Telecommunications

UNDERSTANDING THE OSI MODEL AND THE RELATIONSHIP WITH TCP/IP The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a reference tool for understanding data communications between any two networked systems. It divides the communications processes into seven layers. Each layer both performs specific functions to support the layers above it and offers services to the layers below it. The three lowest layers focus on passing traffic through the network to an end system. The top four layers come into play in the end system to complete the process. This presentation will provide you with an understanding of each of the seven layers, including their functions and their relationships to each other. This will provide you with an overview of the network process, which can then act as a framework for understanding the details of computer networking. Also this paper will explain how the 802 specifications expanded the OSI reference model by dividing the data link layer into two layers. Finally, this paper will draw comparisons between the theoretical OSI model and the functional TCP/IP model. Although TCP/IP has been used for network communications before the adoption of the OSI model, it supports the same functions and features in a differently layered arrangement. The history of the development of the OSI model is, for some reason, a little-known story. Much of the work on the design of OSI was actually done by a group at Honeywell Information Systems, headed by Mike Canepa, with Charlie Bachman as the principal technical member. This group was chartered, within Honeywell, with advanced product planning and with the design and development of prototype systems. In the early and middle '70s, the interest of Canepa's group was pr... ...mputer systems communicate with one another in the world wide web or in a corporate setting. Personally, I have found that the OSI model relates to just about everything that I have done as an IT consultant. During computer migrations and configuring desktops to be networked on the corporate land, enables the workstations to communicate via the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. Having to map network drives enables users to have extra disk space other than just their hard drive to store data. When a user retrieves data from a network drive, the total process is through the seven layers of the OSI model. Configuring email accounts enables users to communicate via email transactions, a process that uses the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. References 1. Network Plus Guide to Networks (2002) 2. Ethernet Tutorial (2001) 3. Microsoft's guide to the OSI model (2004)

Essay Comparing Change in The Stranger and Nausea :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing Change in The Stranger and Nausea  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   Existentialists mean that we can't rationalize, since we can't explain human fear, anguish, and pain. To rationalize is absurd, because in the final analysis, we will find nothing. Life is absurd. This leads to the term Nothingness. Thus, since we can't find a meaning of life more than what we attempt to create by ourselves, we anguish. Living in the same era, Camus and Sartre individually helped to form the school of existentialism. Of course there were others: Kierkegaard, Heidegger, etc. But I have chosen Camus and Sartre because of the closeness in the publication of their first novels. Camus published his first novel, The Stranger, in 1942, while Sartre published his first novel, Nausea, in 1938. I am interested in the way they look at change in The Stranger and Nausea. In The Stranger, the main character is Mersault. His mother dies and he travels to her home for the burial. The day after the funeral, Mersault gets together with a woman, Marie. He becomes friends with Raymond, a neighbor. Raymond is having an argument with some Arabs. Mersault is then pulled into the dispute between Raymond and the Arabs. Finally, on a sunny afternoon at the beach, Mersault kills one of the Arabs, even though he really has nothing against him. Mersault is put on trial and sentenced to death. Nausea is the journal of Antoine Roquentin; Nausea is the resulting disorientation Roquentin feels from having his existence revealed. Through a self analysis, Roquentin discovers that his existence is meaningless. He has been living for the past three years in the French town of Bouville and is working on a history book. Mersault is characterized by an indifference to change. At one time, Mersault gets an invitation to move to Paris by his boss, but he declines. Mersault says that "people never change their lives, that in any case one life was as good as another and that I wasn't dissatisfied with mine at all." (Camus, p. 41) Mersault is content with what he got. He has his work, his home and his girl: it's all he needs. He lives, like Roquentin, in solitude, reflecting upon the actions of others. But he never gets involved since it doesn't matter to him. He neither feels happy nor sad. It is as if all emotions were drained from his body.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

the threat of nuclear proliferation Essay -- essays research papers

One of the foremost growing concerns in the modern globalized world is the increasing rate of nuclear proliferation. Coupled with the burgeoning number of nuclear devices is the threat of a terrorist possibly obtaining a weapon of such magnitude. While one could argue that the rising number of states with nuclear capability is a disturbing prospect, particularly as many pursue such capabilities without the approval of the â€Å"traditional† nuclear powers, terrorists in possession of nuclear arms presents the most horrific outlook concerning nuclear proliferation. Terrorist groups, unlike states, are not organized governmental bodies, which complicates any means of formalized diplomacy or negotiation. Furthermore, unlike as compared to a state, one cannot formally declare war on a terrorist group, thus causing difficulties in regards to concerns of specific conflicts or targets. It is not as if one could penalize a terrorist group with economic sanctions or any other means st ates employ to deter threats from and intimidate one another. The globalized world has created a form of terrorism that knows no borders, and it would be very difficult to exert one’s will on a terrorist group, at least on a large scale. The coinciding fact that terrorists do not conduct warfare in the same manner as states do makes them increasingly unpredictable. A terrorist employment of a nuclear arm would not occur during an organized conflict; rather it would be used in a terrorist attack without warning. And due to the growing fervor of fundamental religious terrorism, there is a greater willingness among terrorists to sacrifice their own lives in pursuit of their goals. These combined elements create a frightening world in which today’s most astounding new threat possesses weapons of the most awesome power. The key to identifying the threat posed by a particular terrorist group is its basic tenets, and the level of violence thereof. â€Å"Groups that model themselves on an avenging angel or a vindictive god†¦are more likely to lash out than those whose core myth is the suffering Messiah,† (Stern, p.72). For example, the element that may be both the most prevalent and violent in the world today is fundamental Islamic extremism. With its emphasis on violent martyrdom and conquest on â€Å"infidels,† Islam is a religion based on values that are easily twisted to an extreme. Due to their religious ... ...ain such a weapon. Terrorists will not acquiesce to the terms concerning possession and production of nuclear weapons handed down by an international organization, regardless of its power. The best we can hope for is a level of regulation among the nuclear-capable states of the world that is strong enough to remove the possibility of any terrorist acquisition of nuclear materiel. The inherent lack of rationality in the mind of a terrorist is the quintessential factor behind the frightening prospect of nuclear proliferation among radicals, whether they are fundamental religious extremists, or political radicals. The globalized world of the 21st century has seen the threat of politically driven state ideology fade out and give way to the new threat of terrorist ideology. The dangers of such illogical principles are only compounded when on considers the nuclear element, and its significance in the hands of those who seek solely to harm others. The interconnectedness of the modern global community has compounded the threat of worldwide terrorism, and with greater nuclear proliferation, the potential for a devastating nuclear terrorist attack should shock and awe civilians everywhere.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Life Course of a Mas Murderer Essay

On April 16, 2007 one of the most devastating mass murders in U.S history occurred at a Virginia college. Seung-Hui Cho a 23 year old South Korean alone executed the killing of 33 people by securing colleges doors to prevent escape of any students. Events such as these are truly tragic and devastating to all involved. By gathering background information about Seung-Hui Cho, we can effectively examine social development theories as they relate to Cho and review my analysis that this particular occurrence was preventable. Born in South Korea, Seung-Hui Cho immigrated to America when he was 8 years old. Although Cho was a quiet well behave child he was awkwardly withdrawn and angry (cite book). Throughout school Cho was teased and bullied which could have been the cause of his average grades throughout school. Cho’s sister Sun-kyung was often in the school newspaper and was selected to attend the most elite Ivy League Universities (Schmalleger, 2009). Cho went on to attend Virginia tech where he was recognize once again for being extremely violent and was even removed from class. Cho was referred to multiple counselors and officials where he denied all thoughts of suicide and homicide. Although Cho denied these having these thoughts students that attend Virginia Tech could see the imminent risk rising with Cho. There are many social development theories that can be applied to Seung-Hui Cho but I feel that the Life Course Perspective accurately represents Cho most effectively. With the social development perspective, human development occurs on many levels simotaneously, including psychological, biological, familial, interpersonal, cultural, social, and ecological (Schmalleger, 2009). Social development d heories focus on delinquencies over an extended period of time as well as transitions people go through within their life span. As the Life course perspective suggests Cho exhibited showed a distinct pattern of anti-social behavior throughout his childhood and had never committed any crimes. Cho had a hard childhood and was in the shadows of his very successful sister. Even in college Cho had no friends and began to look up to other school shooters as martyrs. Although these individuals were not his friends at all in his situation they were the closest thing to having friends. In college Cho was accused of stalking women on two different occasions, was caught taking photos of the legs of female students in class and was separated out of classes. I believe that Cho’s antisocial lifestyle along with the transition any from home eventually lead him to commit the mass murder. Cho’s anti-social lifestyle seemed to escalate to criminal behaviors from the time he went off to college until the time of the Virginia Tech shooting. I believe that this tragedy could have been prevented if the proper preventative measures and treatment techniques were taken. As a boy Cho should have been taken in for a mental evaluation but I believe the integration of his family into the American society prevented that. In high school Cho being bullied and teased could have been put to a stop by teachers and surrounding students. Also when Cho started writing gruesome poems short stories and plays he should have been recommended to a counselor. Any counselor that Cho had encounters with could have been a lot more persistent in getting to the bottom of Cho’s situations. A teacher college teacher doesn’t just separate a student from her class. Finally the two females who Cho supposedly stalked could have reported Cho and pressed charges, preventing him from escalating in criminal nature. Seung-Hui Cho may have lived a particularly difficult life but with appropriate preventative and treatment measures the Virginia Tech shooting could have been prevented. One way this could have been prevented is with the support of his family. Cho’s family should have played a larger role in providing guidance and discipline and instilling sound values in Cho. Also social institutions failed him. He was bullied in teased in schools and church which could have been the reason for him being anti-social throughout his lifespan (Seung-Hui, 2013). Finally individuals in Cho’s life should have intervened immediately and constructively when delinquent behavior first occurred. After closely reviewing Cho’s background information and examining social development theories as they relate to Cho my analysis is that the Virginia Tech shooting was preventable. References Schmalleger, F. (2009). Criminology today: An integrative introduction. (5th; ed., pp. 297-341). Columbus, OH: Pearson Prentice Hal. Retrieved from Seung-Hui Cho. (2013). The Biography Channel website. Retrieved 06:22, Jul 28, 2013, from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Effects of video games on children Essay

Although video games can increase aggressive behavior, they can improve memory and logistical thinking, as well as teach perseverance. Over the course of the last few decades video games have been integrated into the lives of our children. Video games are very appealing to children of all ages, and even to some adults. There is a variety of video games out there, and they range from educational to very violent. Because of this diverse selection of video games, there is a wide range of positive and negative side effects that these games can have on children. Because a large percentage of our children’s time is spent playing video games, there has been a lot of research in recent years on the positive and negative effects these games have on them. â€Å"Among elementary and middle-school populations, girls play for an average of about 5. 5 hours/week and boys average 13 hours/week,† (Gentile, D. A. 2004). Teenagers also spend a time playing video games. According to Media Analysis Laboratory (1998),†Eighty percent of teens said they played at least occasionally and the average amount of time spent gaming for the sample was 5 hours per week† (para. 19). Video game play has become not only a leisurely pastime for children, but for families also. When parents are not involved in some of their game play the outcome can become a little scary. Children who play video games with their families have a more pro-social attitude compared to their counterparts who play alone. Children who are less social or somewhat anti-social tend to develop aggressive tendancies when spending long hours gaming alone especially when violent video games are involved. Video games have been shown to increase aggressive behavior in some children. Neubert, S. P. (2004) said, â€Å"Individuals high in hostility are more likely to become aggressive when exposed to violent video games. † â€Å"Games in which the only positive outcome is the violent demise of enemies reinforces anti-social behavior. Violent video games desensitize people to aggression,† (Neubert, S. P. , 2004). According to a study done by Douglas A. Gentile. References Media Analysis Laboratory (1998). Video game culture: Leisure and play preferences of B. C. teens. Retrieved from http://www. media-awareness. ca In-Text Citation 1. [Insert the paraphrased material] (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby B. C. , 1998). 2. The Media Analysis Laboratory (1998) website [Insert the paraphrased material]. 3. , â€Å"[Insert the quotation]† (para. 19).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Anti Hazing Law Essay

The given document regarding the anti-hazing law provides the possible penalties for the liable initiation rites or practice which purpose is to embarrass and humiliate the neophyte forcing him/her to menial, silly and foolish tasks and activities. Hazing, is only allowed for the Military clubs or organizations such as Armed forces of the Philippines, Philippine national Police, Philippine Military Academy or any form of army training in the Philippines that was approved by the agency head and hazing is not allowed for school organizations such as fraternities or sororities that prohibits physical violence. In my opinion, Hazing is the most appropriate prerequisite that had ever existed because it doesnt simply bring a benefit for the applicants/ neophytes and it only creates risks of injuries, discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule, forced consumption of alcohol, placing the individual into danger and even death and such negative consequences. The main reason why Hazers do hazing is that they need to feel powerful and in control yet hazing motivates no one; it even hinders academic achievements, destroys self-esteem and causes emotional and physical pains. It doesn’t have a purpose; it has nothing to do with trust or respect. Hazing was not even related to Greek letter organizations or athletics. It is just a foolish organization that are continued by foolish hazers traditionally as it turns to become epidemic and plague on campuses. Those members who are being hazed are more likely to haze others in the future and would continue yet it should not be tolerated. The only way to stop Hazing is to simple BREAK THE TRADITION and educate members who are responsible for Hazing to move on with their lives and focus more on academics, make people aware what hazing is and what penalties are and seek help from the government and help students develop to become moral citizens that will help rid our society of the negative consequences of hazing. To combat hazing, we should seek help and report such hazing activities to the Government.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analysis of Modern Love by Douglas Dunn Essay

What are the poet’s thoughts and feelings about love? In Modern Love, Dunn presents many ideas about the functioning of modern love, and they ways in which it differs from what he might perceive as traditional, or true love. He possibly discusses how modern love is superficial, and only a facade, as well as how modern love is interrupted by a variety of other commitments, but also how love is possibly the only escape from an otherwise dull and dreary life. Dunn initially talks about the superficiality of modern love by talking about how they are ‘enjoying minutes of rented silence’. The fact that it is a ‘rented silence’ suggests that it is only temporary, showing how modern love is not permanent. Furthermore, it could also suggest that to achieve these ‘minutes’, there has been a cost involved, whether monetary or purely symbolic. In addition, it says there is ‘not much to show for love’, further portray how this love is ineffectual, and that not much has been achieved by this love. The fact that they are ‘in a house that is not theirs’ further shows what length this couple has to go to to put up the facade of modern love. The juxtaposition of the word ‘love’ with ‘alone’ further displays the disconnection in the relationship of ‘modern love’. The powerful use of enjambment could be used to signify the constant progression of time t hroughout this poem, during which no ‘love’ is taking place. Furthermore, Dunn discusses how modern love is often interrupted by other commitments, namely, the family. Dunn writes how the ‘under-tens and invalids’ are finally asleep. The reference to what can be assumed to be the elderly as ‘invalids’ is somewhat derogatory, and this could be used to showcase the resentment shown towards them, as they may be responsible for the failures of modern love. In addition, the fact that they can only procure ‘minutes’ of ‘silence’ from this, shows how much these other commitments intrude into their love, and the fact that they prefer to ‘enjoy’ the ‘silence’ shows how hectic their involvement with their family can be. The reference to the family as ‘the upstairs people’, can possibly be used to suggest how this couple wants to distance themselves from the family, which can possibly suggest that the speaker yearns for a loving relationship, but this is not possib le. However, it can also be said that this love is their only solace from an otherwise dull and dreary lifestyle. The fact that they choose to ‘enjoy silence’ can be used to show that they simply value to spend time together; to get away from their hectic daily lives. The fact that it is said that their ‘lives flap’ is personification used to convey how there is a sense of disorganisedness or desperation in their lives, and Dunn goes on to write how ‘there is no hope of better happiness than this’, which goes to show that although modern love may be ineffectual and dull, it is the highlight of their lives. The fact that the poem is 14 lines long shows that it is written in the style of a sonnet, which could possibly suggest that there is some real love being represented here, and that the whole poem is not necessarily a criticism of modern love. Alternatively, however, this structure could have potentially been used sarcastically. Dunn also writes how ‘all other lives’ are ‘worn down to trees and sunlight’ and how they ‘look forward to a visit from the cat’, and this could be used to highlight how dull and uneventful their lives have become, and how ‘modern love’ is their only escape from this. Overall, although Dunn portrays Modern Love as somewhat of a facade, and superficial, as well as being constantly being interrupted by other commitments, he may also be trying to state how modern love is often the only solace couples have from their increasingly dull and dreary lives.

Corporate Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Law - Assignment Example The rights include voting during the election of the directors, amending corporate bylaws as well as articles of incorporation and participating in annual meetings associated with the stockholders. Besides, the other fundamental rights of the minority shareholders include voting on a few selected corporate events which include liquidation of the business entity, mergers or sale of assets, calling special meetings of the stockholders and scrutinizing the books, records as well as the lists of the shareholders. It is in this context that with the majority shareholders holding a strong position in a company, in frequent instances, disagreements between the majority and the minority shareholders have been identified in the modern business context. The disagreements have been mostly regarding the exclusion of the minority shareholders from management participation, disproportionate allocation of shares and withholding of dividends with profits among others (1). In this discussion, a detai led analysis of the problems concerned with the rights held by minority shareholders, playing vital role causing potential disagreements amid the members of both majority as well as minority shareholders, will be taken into concern. Moreover, the different statutory remedies which are available to the minority shareholders in order to deal with situations where the majority shareholders misuse their power or breach their duties will also be portrayed in the discussion. A Brief Analysis of the Scenario The minority shareholders are often acknowledged as institutional investors among different business entities who play a limited function in influencing the background of corporate governance construction. This is majorly due to the fact that the presence of the majority shareholders within a business firm owing the rights to partially control its decision making process often facilitates significant sources of conflicts affecting the interests of the minority shareholders (2). However , it is worth mentioning in this regard that the minority shareholders posses certain rights which may be accessible in accordance to any ‘state close corporation laws’. These rights generally include amending corporate by-laws, voting during the election of the directors and organizing as well as managing annual meetings related with the shareholders among others as mentioned in the articles of association and memorandum. Despite, it has often been observed that the minority shareholders or the institutional investors find it to be quite challenging to exercise the aforementioned rights in a smooth way witnessing minimum disruptions. This is simply because the majority shareholders tend to dominantly control the business operations as they bear large proportion or percentage of shares along with various decision making rights concerning the corporate governance structure of the particular entity. As the majority shareholders possess maximum quantity of shares (i.e. mor e than 50% of the total equity shares), it has been viewed that the interests of minority shareholders are being oppressed by several means. In this similar context, the different ways which contribute towards the oppression of the minority s

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Build International Client Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Build International Client Relationship - Essay Example Client profile information can help the company to develop a suitable market segment from a detailed profile of customer purchasing behaviour and preferences. This information will assist an organisation to interact with its customers in the best possible way and work together effectively. For example, information about issues and concerns, performance, and future strategies can help a business in understanding customers’ characteristics and developing consumer profiles. Market research can be used to collect data to enhance consumer awareness and build long-term relationships. 3. List different modes of communication that could be used to communicate with international clients? Face-to-face Phone calls E-mail Fax Meetings Skype Conferences such as formal conferences and video conferences Customer audits and investigations 4. Discuss issues that would need to be considered when establishing the preferred mode of communication with international clients? The issues that busines ses need to consider when establishing a preferred mode of communication with international clients include: The length of time that a customer has been conducting business with the company Language barriers and the interpretation of different cultures Differences in perception as each person thinks differently and develops ideas in their own unique way The nature of the information and complexity needed to be managed in order to prevent conflict Misinterpretation of information may result in loss of sales and potential legal action Confidentiality is required in dealing with clients as their information should be kept private Technological availability is crucial because, if managed effectively, it can improve communication and make maintaining relationships with international clients easier Speed is an important factor in replying to clients' requests so as to respond in a timely manner and make the business friendly for clients Time differences between countries can cause difficu lties in communicating with clients Therefore, the company must check any potential time zone differences and respond at the appropriate times to respond to clients' requests. 5. Discuss record keeping strategies for communications with international clients? —Develop hard copies to keep clients' records in a secure and confidential place —Save copies of e-mail communication to make it easier to deal with clients —Database software should be used to keep clients’ information and profiles —Make a backup of the clients’ profiles in case of emergencies such as computer system breakdown —Schedule meeting appointments and reminders using Microsoft Outlook and other reminder applications. 6. Discuss strategies that could be implemented to facilitate regular communications with international clients? Businesses can organize special events such as product launch functions or an organisation anniversary as strategies to maintain regular commun ication with international clients. For example, businesses can send out invitations regularly by mail or e-mail to invite international clients to participate in business events and special functions. This strategy allows the business to be the client's first choice when its services are needed. Moreover, businesses need to