Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Global Financial Imbalances Essay

Global Financial Imbalances Essay – How the arrangements of global trade act as a driver of global imbalances Abstract This paper looks at the different factors causing trade imbalance on the global trade arena. This global financial imbalances essay identifies the different factors that affect the global trade imbalances of trade as envisioned in the global trade agreements. The findings reveal that there is need for countries to look into better ways of ensuring that a level playing field is provided for all and proper mechanisms enacted to ensure that no member state flouts the rules and policies. Introduction Pettis (2013, p. 65) claims that trade is a very controversial issue around the world because many people hold the perception that trade agreements and even trade itself undermines some human rights like labour rights, and even affordable medicine in some cases. Many international institutions have emerged to act as a means for countries to foster new economic order. Some of the institutions include bodies like World Trade Organisation which has eventually replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to help reduce trade tariffs; the European Union (EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC). These trade agreements are being formed to help regions integrate and enable smooth trading among the trading partners. In addition to the aforementioned regional trade agreements, countries are still negotiating other bilateral trade agreements in all parts of the world. (Rebucci et al 2009, p.44). All these efforts are being directed at liberalising the world economy in order to ensure smooth flow of goods and services in the global market. This liberalisation of trade and investment around the globe has made a large contribution to an increase in global trade volumes, portfolio investment and foreign direct investments, all of which have made significant impacts on the member countries. Despite all the advantages that accompany neoliberalism, it has flaws because it has created trade imbalances in the member states. Liberalisation of trade has been appealing to states because of the logic of comparative advantage as it relocates the factors of production to areas where they would yield a greater advantage through subjection to international competition and trade. This is what guided the formation of associations like World Trade Organisation and the European Union. However, this is part of the causative agents for global trade imbalance because the international economy and the financial system are increasingly becoming vulnerable to the policies of the surplus countries as some countries intentionally refuse to play along the rules of liberalisation (Koo 2011, p. 77). You can also review Free Politics Essay – International Political Economy Global Financial imbalances Liberalisation of trade is pursued by states because it defends international mobility of investment in sites of production, free trade, trade and financial liberalisation in services. Therefore economic efficiency lies in the increase in specialisation in production and circulation of goods and services, and reallocation of capital in the global market. However, the recession being suffered by the developed states has leftthe future of trade liberalisation in the balance as these countries may decide to opt for protectionism in order to shield their economies from such adverse effects (Fardoust et al 2011, p. 54). In contrast to the situation in 2008, countries now have some tools which they can use to mitigate the renewed economic downtown which increases the chances of it generating into a recessionIf the economic downtown continues then the protectionist pressure is likely to increase. However Koo (2011, p. 19) asserts that the first countries that will erect trade barriers to cushion themselves against economic downtown will obviously be blamed for the eventual damage that will be made to the global trading system. However, the countries that will be more responsible for this are the ones that skew their industrial structures, exchange rate policies and tax systems to gain competitive advantage. The irony of this scenario is that the governments that are most dependent on the free trade i.e. the ones that produce more commodities than they can consume will be the biggest hindrance to the sustainable recovery of the global economy (Pettis 2013, p. 55). It is therefore advisable for these countries to change course before it is too late for them to act, or else they will suffer adversely if other governments decide to erect new trade barriers because it will affect their market segments. The countries with surplus production have a tendency of exhorting the governments with deficits to live within their means, pay their debts and save more. However the real challenge facing the global economy is the acute lack of aggregate demand. The globe is already awash with savings but profitable investment opportunities are very minimal which manifests itself in the weakness of consumption (Morrison et al 2007, p. 31). The implication for this is that saving more is not a solution to the countries with trade deficits. Indeed saving more will be extremely disastrous as it will reduce consumption. Reducing consumption will depress investment because households will no longer be buying more and as a consequence, aggravate the fiscal problems. If the governments with big trade deficits opt to save more, then those with surplus will be forced to spend more and save less. Fund (2010, p. 66) claims that the weakness of domestic demand in the United Kingdom, United States and the rest of the Eurozone is grossly affecting the global demand but there is nothing to offset it. The governments with big surpluses like Japan, Germany and China are not doing anything to help ease the contraction in demand elsewhere. Such a situation is fraught with risks because for the world to continue enjoying the benefits of global trade and finance, then there must be a mechanism for unwinding the global trade imbalances. This then leads the discussion to the definition of trade imbalance in order to be able to identify its causes and effects. You can also review UK Trademark and Fashion Brands Essay What is trade imbalance? Duncan (2013, p.65) defines trade balance of a government as a reflection of what it spends less what it produces. A country has a trade surplus if its income exceeds its expenditure which enables it to lend the surplus to the countries where their expenditures exceed their income. In so doing these countries are able to accumulate international assets. The countries with a deficit on the other hand are on the flipside of this as they spend more than their income and have to borrow from the governments with surpluses to cover for the difference. However, in the process of covering their difference, they end up accumulating international debts or liabilities. Surplus economies are dependent on the deficit economies just like the deficit economies are dependent on the surplus economies which imply that there is a mutual relationship of dependency. Therefore it is not possible for all governments to run in surpluses or deficits as both must be in existence for the relationship to subsis t. This then leads to the question of whether trade imbalances are sustainable or not. Trade imbalances and the eventual capital flows between governments are not necessarily the problem. The fast ageing wealthy governments often have excess savings which enables them to make investments in economies with insufficient savings to meet their investment needs (Duncan 2013, p.90). Historically, this meant putting more investments in the rapidly developing economies. As long as the current account deficits remain modest and governments invest the surplus in ways that promote economic growth, then such imbalances are sustainable. However, the current trade imbalances around the world are of a different type (Hall et al 2011, p. 70). They are much bigger than was ever anticipated. For instance the most serious is that between China and the United States where China is still maintaining a huge trade surplus with the United States. Most of the other trade imbalances are between economies with the same levels of development, for example Japan and the United States, and between the Eurozone members. Such imbalances are far from benign as they destabilize the flow of capital between economies. For instance the 2007 global financial crisis and the resultant Eurozone crisis were caused by capital flaws between countries (Haddad and, Shepherd 2011, p. 43). The banks that were overleveraged made matters worse as they further amplified the crisis. However, the underlying reason for the capital outflows was economies with surpluses seeking higher returns. The surplus economies like the United Kingdom, United States and the rest of the Eurozone failed to find productive uses for their surpluses. Instead of boosting productivity, the inflow investments ended up raising assets prices leading to excessive borrowing by the households. The trade imbalances survived both crisis and are even growing again at high levels. However, this is not sustainable. Unlike in the period preceding the 2007 crisis, the current deficit has nothing to do with excess demand in the economies with deficit. It is occurring against a backdrop of stagnation and a decrease in the living standards of these economies. Firms and households of the deficit economies are even saving more and there is no offsetting decline in savings in the private sector within the economies with surpluses (Chen et al 2012, p. 47). Against such kind of economic activities, the trade deficits constitute a major hindrance to economic activities as they reduce employment and demand and as a consequence forces governments to intervene by running huge fiscal deficits. The external demand that the surplus economies rely on is heavily dependent on unsustainable policies in the economies with deficits. You can also review Finance Essay on Savings and Loans Crisis Theoretical foundation – Unger: institutional arrangements and outcomes Roberto Unger proposes an institutional arrangement for the organisation of civil societies, democracies and market economies. He claims that neo-liberalisation of trade is based on theory of comparative advantage that is too partial. It is this partiality that has created global trade imbalances. Roberto Unger argues that the current model of comparative advantage used for free trade arguments is not only partial but is also incomplete and empirically inaccurate to permit the formulation of global business policies. His major concern is the trade policies and designs of the global trading systems which he thinks are inherently designed to create trade imbalances (Claessens, et al 2010, p.81). The theory of comparative advantage is incomplete because it has as a premise the existence of an established comparative advantage. The comparative advantage in the real world is a function of a complex array of economic, social, and political factors. As such it is not possible to determine a case for free trade until fully taking into account the manner in which these factors interact to create the regime of an economy. It is these differences relative to unit costs across countries that create comparative advantage. Different trade agreements often have an effect on the patterns of advantage that an economy can develop and then eventual gains it can attain from free trade. In addition to this, the trade theories often find that multiple world equilibriums exists both in the presence of increasing returns and scale economies as well as the conventional return models (Unger 2005, p. 89). Whichever of these equilibriums the global economy leads a country into affects the aggregate efficiency and distribution of the gains from trade across nations. In the process of selecting equilibrium, broader political and social processes are likely to play a significant role. Only once the effects of trade restrictions on social and political forces have been determined and the eventual selection of an equilibrium made, can a definitive case for or against liberal trade policies be made. This is the reason why Unger proposed the development of a more complex theory of trade premised on a set of basic ideas that play analogous role for labelling the assumptions of a formal model. Without the formal model that takes into account all the factors that affect equilibrium, then the trade imbalances will continue to exist. Other Causes of Trade Imbalance Some countries like China are fuelling imbalance in the global economy by devaluing the Yuan like the Japanese did 26 years ago (Aaronson & Zimmerman 2008, p.81). The country is accused of intentionally devaluing its exchange rates. Although it is not easy to accurately calculate the exchange rate of the Yuan, economists believe it is undervalued by up to 40% and consensus indicate that the policy of China of stockpiling foreign exchange reserves is responsible for this (Aaronson & Zimmerman 2008, p.33). The country has been able to use its huge trade surplus to buy US currency and treasuries in order to maintain a high demand for the US Dollar and make the Yuan appear relatively cheap. This raises the price competitiveness of China against the United States. Acts of money intervention by China to create trade imbalance is deliberate as it spends a lot of money in the market to keep the Yuan undervalued. This market interference by China is fuelling trade deficits in the United States because American companies are forced to outsource jobs to China in order to be able to enjoy cheap labour (Claessens, Evenett & Hoekman 2010, p. 64). The purchasing power of the Chinese is equally suppressed because they are less able to afford foreign products and increase their living standards. This makes it hard for foreign companies to sell their products in the country because the weak Yuan renders them expensive for the average Chinese consumer. The manipulation of trade by China is also fuelling overconsumption in the United States by buying up government treasuries. The artificial suppression of the value of Yuan allows the treasury department to lower the long term interest rates. This fuels the western and American debt, over consumption and ensures that the demand for the Chinese exports is sustained. Although such a practice is not illegal, it creates imbalance in the global trade arena. Although the East and China have played a major role in the provision of attractively priced commodities and financing the western debts, the west has also been responsible for the creation of trade imbalance owing to their inability to control their over consumption (Berger and Nitsch 2010, p. 62). Other than the manipulation of currency by China, the country also supresses labour rights thus lowering the costs of production in the country. The repression of labour by the Chinese government has lowered the manufacturing wages of the workers by approximately 47% to 86% (Chen et al 2012, p.86). The country also provides huge direct export subsidies to its major industries in order to boost production for the export market. Finally, China maintains strict non-tariff barriers to imports. This has ensured that the country maintains trade imbalance with other countries and as at 2011 the Chinese exports to the US were more than four times what the United States exported to China. This trade imbalance from China was further enhanced partly when the country was accepted into the World Trade Organisation without inclusion of a clause to improve the environmental standards and the labour conditions. The entry of China into the economic playing field has further worsened things for the domestic workers in the United States in favour of the multinational companies working in China. You can also review Free International Relations & Trade Dissertation Essay Conclusion This essay has identified the different factors affecting the balance of trade on the international arena. Some countries are deliberately carrying out actions to influence the balance of trade in their favour at the expense of the other partners. Although there are countries that are interfering with the global balance provided by the international market, there is need for countries to look into better ways of ensuring that a good business environment is provided for all and proper mechanisms enacted to ensure that no member state flouts the rules and policies You can also review International Business Environment Essay References Aaronson, S. A., & Zimmerman, J. M. (2008). Trade imbalance: The struggle to weigh human rights concerns in trade policymaking. New York, N.Y., : Cambridge University Press. Berger, H., Nitsch, V., & International Monetary Fund. (2010). The Euro?s Effect on Trade Imbalances. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund. Chen, R., Milesi-Ferretti, G.-M., Tressel, T., International Monetary Fund., & International Monetary Fund. (2012). External imbalances in the Euro area. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. Claessens, S., Evenett, S. J., & Hoekman, B. M. (2010). Rebalancing the global economy: A primer for policymaking. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research. Duncan, R. (2013). The dollar crisis: Causes, consequences, cures. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Fund, I. M. (2010). European Financial Linkages. Washington: International Monetary Fund. Haddad, M., Shepherd, B., & World Bank. (2011). Managing openness: Trade and outward-oriented growth after the crisis. Washington, D.C: W orld Bank. Hall, P. V., McCalla, R. J., Comtois, C., & Slack, B. (2011). Integrating seaports and trade corridors. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. Koo, R. C. (2011). The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics: Lessons from Japans Great Recession. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Korea-World Bank High Level Conference on Post-Crisis Growth and Development, Fardoust, S., Kim, Y., Sepulveda, C. P., World Bank., & Taeoe Kyo?ngje Cho?ngch’aek Yo?n’guwo?n (Korea). (2011). Postcrisis growth and development: A development agenda for the G-20. Washington, D.C: World Bank. Morrison, C. E., Pedrosa, E., Pacific Economic Cooperation Council., APEC Business Advisory Council., & Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. (2007). An APEC trade agenda?: The political economy of a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Pettis, M. (2013). The great rebalancing: Trade, conflict, and the perilous road ahead for the world economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Rebucci, A., Batini, N., Cova, P., & Pisani, M. (2009). Global Imbalances. Washington: International Monetary Fund. Unger, R. M. (2005). What should the Left propose?. London: Verso. For other resources, please take a look at our site Journal. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bond Yields for Johnson & Johnson

Solution to Minicase 5 Bond Yields for Johnson & Johnson Objective: The case enables the student to gain insight into the financing activities of large corporations and to practice calculating bond prices and yields. Computations are carried out for annual and semiannual interest periods, and for fractional periods. Case Discussion: Johnson & Johnson is one of the leading pharmaceutical firms in the world. It is large and financially sophisticated. When it needs to borrow money, it sells bonds where it can get the best deal. Sometimes that means selling bonds to U. S. investors. Other times it means issuing Eurodollar bonds to investors outside the United States. (The text discusses the Eurobond market in more depth in Chapters 20 and 27. ) The student is asked in this case to use the techniques developed in Chapter 5 to calculate the yields of domestic bonds and Eurobonds. The main difference between the two is that domestic bonds pay interest semiannually, whereas Eurobonds pay annually. Due to this difference in the frequency of compounding, the student must be careful to compare the APYs of domestic and Eurobonds when trying to find the lower-cost alternative. Exhibit S-5-1 provides information concerning five Johnson & Johnson debt issues. Answers to Questions: 1. Calculate the APY for each of Johnson & Johnson’s bonds and identify which one has the lowest APY, assuming today is January 15, 2009. Answer: Bond 1, calculate the APY of the 7. 375s23 eurobond. There are 15 coupon ayments left, and the last one was made 2 months plus 6 days ago (66 days ago). Use annual payment analysis; CPN=7. 375% x 1000 = $73. 75. Solve the equation using a spreadsheet with N=15, and f=(66/360)=0. 183333 to find the APY = 7. 3001%: |[pic] | | Bond 2, calculate the APY of the 7. 375s22 domestic bond. There are 27 coupon payments left and the last one was made 17 days ago on 12/29/08. Use semiannual payment analysis; CPN/2=7. 75% x 1000 / 2 = $36. 875. Solve the equation using a spreadsheet with N=(2 x 13. 5)=27 semiannual periods, and f=(17/180) = 0. 094444 to find r = 3. 5198%, so the APY = 7. 1635%: |[pic] | | Bond 3, calculate the APY of the 8. 25s31 eurobond. There are 23 coupon payments left, and the last one was made 8 months and 15 days ago (255 days ago). Use annual payment analysis; CPN=8. 25% x 1000 = $82. 50. Solve the equation with N=23 years, and f = (255)/360) = 0. 708333 to find APY = 7. 8288%: |[pic] | | | | | Bond 4, calculate the APY of the 6. 73s20 domestic bond. There are 24 coupon payments left, and the last one was made 4 months ago (120 days ago). Use semiannual payment analysis; CPN/2=6. 3% x 1000 / 2 = $33. 65. Solve the equation using a spreadsheet with N=2 x 12=24 semiannual periods, and f = 120/180 = 0. 666667 to find r = 3. 6269%, so the APY = 7. 3854%: |[pic] | | Bond 5, calculate the APY of the 6. 85s35 domestic bond. There are 52 coupon payments left, and the last one was made 14 days ago. Use semiannual payment analysis; CPN/2=6. 85% x 1000 / 2 = $34. 25. Solve the equation using a spreadsheet with N=2 x 26=52 semiannual periods, and f = 14/180 = 0. 077778 to find r = 3. 5616%, so the APY = 7. 2500%: [pic] | | The 7. 375s22 have the lowest APY, 7. 1635%. 2. The 8. 25s28 can be called in 2021 at par. Calculate the YTC (yield to call) assuming today is January 15, 2009. Does this change your answer to question 1? Answer: There are 13 coupon payments left, and the last one was made 8 months and 15 days ago (255 days ago). Use annual payment analysis; CPN=8. 25% x 1000 = $82. 50. Solve the equation with N=13 years, and f = (255)/360) = 0. 08333 to find APY = 7. 6871%: |[pic] | | | | | The APY of 7. 6871% is less than the APY of 7. 8288% found for Bond 3 in question 1, but is more than the other bonds. So the answer to question 1 does not change, the 7. 375s22 have the lowest APY, 7. 1635%. Exhibit S-5-1 Terms of Johnson & Johnson Debt Issues ISSUE |MARKET |COUPON |FREQUENCY |MATURITY |PRICE1 | | | | | | |(% OF PAR) | |73/8s 20 |Eurobond |73/8% |Annual |11/09/20 |101. 9785 | |73/8s 19 |Domestic |73/8% |Semiannual |06/29/19 |103. 288 | |81/4s 28 |Eurobond |81/4% |Annual |04/30/28 |110. 1563 | |6. 73s 17 |Domestic |6. 73% |Semiannual |09/15/17 | 98. 1535 | |6. 85s 32 |Domestic |6. 85% |Semiannual |01/01/32 | 97. 0501 | 1 Including accrued inter est.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Positive Psychology, discuss its merits and weaknesses in terms of Article

Positive Psychology, discuss its merits and weaknesses in terms of it's viability as a realistic model of intervention within psychological practice - Article Example Selingman & Peterson (2000) advise, â€Å"By embracing the disease model of psychotherapy, we have lost our birthright as psychologists-a birthright that embraces both healing what is weak and nurturing what is strong.† The realization that Psychology has had more emphasis on the negative than on more positive topics like the character-building; happiness; implications of a pleasant childhood; well-being; achievement, etc has paved the way for the emergence of Positive Psychology. Martin Selingman, its founder and advocate, and his fellow optimistic minions have devoted much research in this area of Psychology that is becoming a science of its own. â€Å"Positive psychology is the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions.† (Gable & Haidt, 2005) It â€Å"focuses on cultivating personality strengths and honing an optimistic approach to life rather than on cataloging human frailty and disease.† (Lawson, 2004). â€Å"Positive Psychology has three central concerns: positive emotions, positive individual traits and positive institutions† ( website). It offers a brighter view of reality and encourages and empowers people to take more proactive steps in maximizing their strengths when life throws them problems. Pioneers and supporters of the science of Positive Psychology have been thought of as being extremely idealistic in their views. Their belief in the intrinsic goodness of people and attainment of a happy life in a world of dread and disease has resulted in accusations that they fail to recognize the very real negative sides of life. However, it is to be reiterated that the goals of Positive Psychology is not to erase or supplant work on pathology, distress, and dysfunction but to build up human resilience, strength and growth to integrate and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Skateboarding in the Middle East Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Skateboarding in the Middle East - Research Paper Example Skateboarding does not have to be confined in urban spaces as Wanner believes. Skateboarding represents creative play that it is universally appreciated by children and adults alike all over the world. It area of play is not only â€Å"Where there is an asphalt space of sprawl† but also in the asphalts and deserts of Middle East. In fact, skateboarding may be more beneficial and may be more appreciated in the Middle East than in the urban centers of California because many children are scathe by war in those regions whose growth and development is interrupted by war. Skateboarding, being creative and playful as it is, has a big place among those children in the war torn countries in the Middle East to at least provide them with the coping mechanism with the terror of war they are exposed of. The extent, fierceness and length of war in the Middle East that had exposed countless of children that leaves one to wonder not only on the depth of the scathe that war had left on the children but also on the interruption of their development. Play according to Smilansky and Shefatya, play is essential to children’s social competence and maturity (cited in Jalongo, 2014). Play could also be a very good antidote to extremism because it undermines the very foundation of extremism which is intolerance. Play according to Smilansky and Shefatya let children experience other’s â€Å"points of view by working through conflicts about space, materials, or rules positively† (cited Jalongo, 2014). Through seeing and experiencing other people’s perspectives, children learns to become tolerant and more resistant to extremist ideologies thereby could reduce if not totally remove extremism in the region. Finally, skateboarding or any other play should be experienced by children. Let children be children to have fun and have a sense of wonder in discovering the world. Play by itself with an atmosphere of laughing children creates a positive society where

What effect does the conversation Between tuco and his brother have on Essay

What effect does the conversation Between tuco and his brother have on the moral vision of the fillm - Essay Example Within the rather unlikely matchup of the ‘good’ (Blondie) portrayed by Clint Eastwood, the ‘bad’ (Angel Eyes) for Lee Van Cleef, and the ‘ugly’ (Tuco) given to Eli Wallach, the film may be recognized of the thematic attempt to depict a moral position through the character of Tuco Ramirez. Compared to the traditional approach of signifying adventure with crime via the struggle of the good against the bad, in this setting, a neutral figure is put in the middle so as to lay a perspective of viewing the film in the light of being caught within a moral thread which Tuco himself may either opt to keep or snap knowing that his wasted life has been a far cry to that of his brother Pablo. Amidst the conspicuous desperation to hold the stolen Confederate gold worth $200,000 in acquisition, the story of â€Å"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly† is bound to confront the essence of personal transformation with reference to the role Tuco ‘the ugly’ plays. This is particularly indicated in the special scene Tuco shares with Pablo which gradually explicates how severely divergent are the separate paths they take in life leading one to become a bandit while the other a clergyman. At the onset of meeting his brother, Tuco is shown to apply an ethical mode of expressing how greatly he yearns to see and talk to Pablo. So with an overly proper conduct and gesture, he initiates â€Å"Hey Pablo, don’t you recognize me?† and claims â€Å"I don’t know the right thing, I was just passing by here; I said to myself I wonder if my brother remembers his brother.† It were as if Tuco can be felt to have temporarily gone out of his originally misc hievous self to a pleasing human outfit for the sake of delighting Pablo with his cheerful presence. On the contrary, nevertheless, the brother chooses to exercise his priesthood for the thief to be brought to a sense of remorse over the demise of their parents stating

Saturday, July 27, 2019

St. Josephs Hospital Barrow Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

St. Josephs Hospital Barrow - Assignment Example In order to appeal to its customers, the St, Joseph’s hospital used some advertising objectives which include: building brand awareness as well as prompting immediate action. This is to say that, the main objectives of the St. Joseph’s Hospital have been to make its customers know about what services it offers that can suit them, how and where the services are offered and to whom are the services offered plus the quality of the services offered. Another objective has been to prompt action from the customers and visit the facility for quality medical care (Rick, 2013). The digital marketing strategy is one where the organization uses the digital platform, including the social media and the websites, to advertise their products. On the other hand, by forming strategic alliances by other healthcare providing organizations such as its collaboration with the Phoenix Children Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital tries to increase its ability to be most famous in the services that it offers. Through the digital strategy, the hospital uses pictures, animations and online posters for advertisement. The animations are very strong marketing tools as they flick across the pages as one is on a website, hence makes it possible for one to see them. The pictures and posters also look appealing so that they can pass the information they carry. For the organization to enhance their marketing approach, I would recommend that the organization should enter much into more strategic alliances so that they can be able to capture more customers by increasing their market share through extending their base of operations. One area that would be important to target for use on social media is the customer service area for purposes of consultations. One area that would be important to target for use on social media is the customer service area for purposes of consultations. This will enable customers to be served promptly over the media by answering some of their questions that could have required one to visit the facility. The best social media for this would be Twitter, Facebook or Wazzup since instant feedback can be received.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Case - Essay Example Similarly, another female speaker from a falling company was given the chance to address the graduates. According to the author, this female speaker was given the opportunity just because the company she was working with was almost collapsing, which is a representation of women leadership (Kantor, par. 1-4). The entire graduation seemed like a comparison of the men and women achievements in the school as well as the working world. The author is trying to bring out the issue of women being labeled as failures both at school and at work. This is the reason she has given the example of the two women speakers at the graduation. From the entire story, the author has communicated the manner in which females are treated differently from their male counterparts. At one point, the reader is made to understand that the number of male students enrolling at the Harvard Business School is much higher than that of females. Also, the number of male professors is very high compared to that of female professors, a situation that would make some female lectures opt for a different environment. For instance, some of the school alumni such as Sheryl Sandberg would admit that the school was worse during their times. No one was allowed to talk about the things that take place within the school since everything was â€Å"dirty secret† (Kantor, par. 10-14). The issues that made a majority of the students as well as the alumnus to dislike the school were due to the differentiated treatment that was being given to the students. For instance, the school ranking was based on the level of student participation in class. How ever, the majority of the tutors being male would discriminate against the female students. This, on the other hand, would adversely affect the female students’ grades at the end of every semester and also at the end of their courses. The majority of the students, as well as

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Concept of Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Concept of Power - Essay Example Resource dependence theory is based on the fact that organizations inevitably depend on resources and their mobility and as result in turn depend on suppliers of those resources (Pfeffer, 2003)On the other hand institutional theory is based on the argument that organizations aren't particularly concerned about task expediencies but about expediencies that arise from the strategic cultural environment of the organization, along with meeting demands put forward by lending and professional institutions. Finally the population ecology theory emphasizes the ways and means through which organizations' structures and forms are influenced ((Hannan M. T., 1989)). For example changing nature of the organization has less influence on such structures than the birth and death of organizations. In the ordinary sense of the word 'power' enables those who exercise it to dominate over those who don't have it. This explanation seems to be rather simplistic though still the conventional organizational theories have a much wider acceptance in modern management theories. Power is a dynamic concept with a degree of fluidity and much less transparency. In other words the concept of power acquires a newer and more articulate dimension in the modern unconventional organizational theory than hitherto was known. The concept of power has many nuances including that it's associated with responsibility. Thus organizational power can be extended to include corporate responsibility as well.Resource dependence theory invariably supports these power dynamics in its articulation of a strategic supplier dominated organizational environment. However it must be noted here that modern writers on unconventional organizational theory tend to speculate on politicized organizational environments in or der to give a revolutionary interpretation to the evolving structures and cultures. Power is rooted in the organization's dependence on resource providers who might not hesitate to manipulate the organizational outcomes by imposing their weight on its structures and forms. Thus power as a concept in the modern sense of the organizational context is a barometer of organizational strengths. In other words organizational power isn't a simple aggregation of 'individual powers' as such. It has a much wider significance and impact on the organizational outcomes.The theoretical premise of power is derived from the fact that suppliers of resources have a strategic link with the organization. Therefore it is the suppliers who exercise political control over the organization (Ulrich, 1984)The authors identify and address the implications of anti-management theories within the organizational context so that a particularly significant hidden feature of the organization is brought to the surface . Notwithstanding the counter argument that organizations do not seek intentionally to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

School Improvement Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

School Improvement Plan - Essay Example In order to achieve the two, managers must always manage their resources effectively. Key among the resources is human resource. The motivation of teachers in a school is fundamental in creating a competitive workforce, one that will steer the school’s improvement plan. As such, the management must always credit others while taking the blame. This way, the teaching and support staff feel appreciated thus increasing the efficiency of operations at the school. Developing and managing teamwork is the most appropriate way of ensuring effective utilization of the resources thereby ensuring that the school maintains optimal operations despite the variations that may exist. The development of effective teams in such organizations as schools requires the management to develop effective relationships that will enhance the efficient management of the school. A school consists of various stakeholders whose input influence the performance of the students. The stakeholders include parents, teachers, students and the government among many others. The formulation and implementation of the No Child Left behind Act by the Bush administration for example is a portrayal of the government’s influence in the education system in the country (Gray & Streshly, 2008). As such, the management of the school must strive to develop effective teams that will incorporate the existing laws besides improving the performance of both the teachers and the students thus improving the performance of the school. In building the effective relationships among the stakeholders who influence the success of a school, the management must uphold professionalism. Professionalism in this context will influence the relationship between teachers and their students and parents among many others as all the parties work in tandem ad in compliance with the existing state laws. Effective and functional

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Application of Tecnology in Nursing and Patient Eduation Research Paper

Application of Tecnology in Nursing and Patient Eduation - Research Paper Example Internet has been identified as an important resource in the breast cancer education program (Muhamad, Afshari and Mohamed, 2011). Ryhanen et al. (2010) carried a literature review to analyze the use of technology particularly; internet or interactive computer-based in patient education for breast cancer patients. This is because education programs for breast cancer patient are critical in intervention by empowering the patients. Although application of technology in education is considered as a popular alternative compared to the traditional methods, more research needs to be carried out to assess its effectiveness (Ryhanen et al., 2010). This paper will describe use of internet in breast cancer education program and explore situations when its use proves to be advantageous and disadvantageous. It will also explore the professional standards that must be adhered whenever using internet technology. Use of Computer-Based Education It is theorized that people remember 10 percent of wha t they see, 20 percent of what they hear and 50 percent of what they see and hear. However, people have an ability of retaining 80 percent of what they hear, see and do (Heiskell, 2010). Consequently, computer-based patient education program is considered as an approach which may help enhance health care. Despite its role in empowering the patients with the required information to take care of their health, patient education programs are usually time-consuming with physicians taking more than 25 percent of their time in giving patient instructions and counseling (Heiskell, 2010). Computer-based patient education programs are recommended given that they are patient focused, inexpensive, fast and effective (Muhamad, Afshari and Mohamed, 2011). Internet is one method used in breast cancer computer-based patient education given that it is considered as largest medical library and having over 1.5 billion users worldwide (Muhamad, Afshari and Mohamed, 2011). Internet is considered as an a ppropriate method of disseminating health information as it provides patients with immediacy, privacy, and a wide variety of information (Muhamad, Afshari and Mohamed, 2011). One of the most common diseases searched by patient and their families from the internet is cancer. According to Heiskell (2010), access of wide variety of information on breast cancer from the internet helps breast cancer patients to interact effectively and productively with their patients. Internet can help enhance the patient’s awareness on various conditions of the disease, understand how to diagnosis breast cancer and get information on its treatment. Moreover, internet helps patients to learn on living with cancer and allow patients to form social connections with others living with cancer. Internet use in disseminating information about breast cancer would only be advantageous in educating literate women and particularly those having access to internet. However, the procedure would not be effecti ve in educating illiterate women and those who do not have access to internet. According to Heiskell (2010), computer-based patient education supports the principle of just-in-time where learning happens only when a patient is willing to learn. He describes video-on-demand (VOD) as a computer-based patient education which incorporates computerized access system with the patients’ in-room television. The patient gives requests to the computer through the telephone for particular educational video to be displayed

Monday, July 22, 2019

Formal Outline Essay Example for Free

Formal Outline Essay INTRODUCTION Attention material: The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week. The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures. This means that the plateau or pause in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years. Credibility material: The current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely upon. What will we do to slow this warming? How will we cope with the changes weve already set into motion? While we struggle to figure it all out, the face of the Earth, as we know it—coasts, forests, farms, and snowcapped mountains—hangs in the balance. Thesis statement: Today I want to share what I’ve learned about global warming and it’s causes. Preview: We need to consider causes, effects and dangers of global warming. (Transition: Lets begin by understanding more about global warming.) BODY I. The Earth is warming and human activity is the primary cause. A. U.S. scientists said in the media January 19, 2012, about the influence of mankind on the state of global warming has increased from 18% to 51%. B. The primary way humans cause global warming is by burning fossil fuels. 1. When we drive or fly. 2. When we eat meat and Exotic Foods. 3. When we use electricity. 4. When You Move Into A New Development. (Transition: Now, from this it becomes clear why humans are the main cause of global warming, let’s examine its major effects) II. Global Warming effect information. A. The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between. Globally, the mercury is already up more than 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius), and even more in sensitive polar regions. B. Some impacts from increasing temperatures are already happening. 1. Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice. 2. Researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adà ©lie penguins on Antarctica, where their numbers have fallen from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in 30 years. 3. Sea level rise became faster over the last century. 4. Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas. 5. Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average. 6. Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks to 20 years of warm summers. The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees. C. Other effects could happen later this century, if warming continues. 1. Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters) by the end of the century, and continued melting at the poles could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). 2. Floods and droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years. (Transition: So now, we know about global warming effects, lets see our future†¦and how we can fix it!?) III. Predicted Effects and Impacts of Global Warming. A. Future effects about global warming. 1. Increased spread of infectious diseases: an increase in the number of people exposed to vector borne diseases (e.g. cholera) and an increase in heat stress mortality. 2. Degraded water quality: Projected climate change will tend to degrade water quality through higher water temperatures and increased pollutant load from runoff and overflows of waste facilities. 3. More frequent and more intense heat waves, droughts, and tropical cyclones. B. Some basic predictions of global warming. 1. Global mean temperature should increase by between 1.4 and 5.8 C (2.5 to 10 F). 2. The sea level should rise by between 9 and 88 cm (3.5 to 35). (Transition: Finally, I want to tell you about the solution of this huge problem.) IV. Solutions to Global Warming. A. There is no single solution to global warming. 1. Boosting energy efficiency. 2. Greening transportation. 3. Revving up renewables 4. Phasing out fossil fuel electricityManaging forests and agriculture 5.Exploring nuclear 6.Developing and deploying new low-carbon and zero-carbon technologies. 7. Ensuring sustainable development CONCLUSION Summary statement: Some impacts—such as record high temperatures, melting glaciers, and severe flooding and droughts—are already becoming increasingly common across the country and around the world. However, there is much we can do to protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations from the consequences of the heat-trapping emissions caused when we burn coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity, drive our cars, and fuel our businesses. Concluding remarks: Since 1880 the world has warmed by 0.75 degrees Celsius.

Us History LO 23-27 Essay Example for Free

Us History LO 23-27 Essay The Secession of the South was not, initially, a matter of bloodshed. In the beginning the movement toward secession was based solely on legal and political grounds. In the North, te newly elected President Abraham Lincoln vowed to preserve the Union but also vowed not to be the first to spill blood over the crisis of secession. In the South, however, the feeling of euphoria mixed with antagonism toward the North which swept over the Southern states resulted in a crisis-within-a-crisis when the issue of Fort Sumter became the unforeseen trigger of the Civil War. By 1861, in the newly seceded states, the only remaining property in Union hands were two obscure forts in the Florida Keys along with Fort Pickens on an island at the mouth of Pensacola Bay and Fort Sumter on an island in Charleston harbor. Fort Sumter had become a commanding symbol of national sovereignty in the very cradle of secession, a symbol that the Confederate government could not tolerate if it wished its own sovereignty to be recognized by the world. Would Lincoln use force to defend Sumter? 1 In fact, the issue of Fort Sumter was resolved by violence with the Fort surrendering after a short period of bombardment from Confederate forces. This early victory for the South would prove to be pyric in nature as it touched off a larger conflict which they could not hope to win. Only the Southern resourcefulness and conviction in their right to secession prolonged the war as long as it could be prolonged, as the North commanded a superior economy, superior manpower, and superior armaments from the wars beginning to its end. Question 2: Explain the various internal political conflicts in the North, focusing on Copperheadism and the 1864 campaign. By the time of the 1864 elections, there was a strong sentiment brewing in the North for finding an end to the Civil War, whether or not this end would bring about the immediate reintegration of the Southern States into the Union. The Democratic party in tye North chose to run McClellan as a probable peace candidate against Lincoln. This , in turn, brought upon accusations that McClellan was a Souther Sympathizer or a copperhead as they were often called in the A Civil War era. Copperheadism, in fact, became a core issue of the Persidential election; as Union military victories portended a continuation of Lincolns war-policy, Far to the north George B. McClellan digested the news of Atlanta as he wrote his letter accepting the Democratic nomination. If he endorsed the platform, or said nothing about it, he would by implication commit himself to an armistice and negotiations. McClellan felt great pressure from the partys peace faction to do just that 2 Basically, an armistice was desired by certain peace factions in the North who were painted as copperheads by their detractors who supported the continuation of the war. True copperheads were those in the North or border states who were Southern sympathizers. The 1864 election turned out to be a referendum on the war itself, obviously, with McClellan having been successfully painted by his opponents as a peace candidate and perhaps even a copperhead. The Democrats Janus face toward the war presented Republicans with an easy target. 3 Question 3: Explain why the North won the Civil War and why the South lost. The South suffered a military defeat which wa exacerbated by its inabiolity to gain International, specifically European, recognition and thus the ability to break the Union naval blockade and open up to international commerce. The military defeat of the South was total. The Civil War is often called â€Å"the first modern war. † It saw the introduction of rapid-fire weapons. Trenches were first used extensively in battle. The railway and the telegraph were first used in a large-scale war. The campaigns of Lee, Jackson, Grant, Sherman, and Joseph E. Johnston were studied aboard for new concepts of strategy and tactics. At sea, ironclad ships and rifled cannon had made the wooden navies of the world obsolete. Few observers at the start of the American Civil War imagined the ultimate de-evolution of the war from its psuedo-Napoleonic beginnings with armies in formation maneuvering along classical military lines to achieve a tactical advantage. Because so many of the generals on both sides of the war derived their knowledge of battlefield tactics from the same sources, particularly Jomini, and also because many of the generals on either side received training at West Point, the wars beginning gave but a small hint of the total war which would be achieved by the close of 1865. In fact, the realization that much more than battlefield victory would be necessary to put down the Southern rebellion was slow to be reached by Lincolns generals. It was Sherman, perhaps, who first understood the underlying economic nature of the war, realizing that the Union with its superior material and financial power would ultimately prevail. However, his conception of how to convince the South of this truth was founded on a concept of total war, a strategic approach first used on the famous march to the sea. During this late period of the war, Sherman envisioned a dazzling campaign to march his army across Georgia to the sea, tearing the Confederacy asunder, and destroying everything in his path. (Ades, 226) The ensuing destruction wrought havoc and despair on the civilian population of the South and undermined the Souths economic and psychological ability to survive. The idea of war as a psychological tool of destruction was both new and devastatingly powerful. It turned out that the Georgia countryside had an abundance of supplies for Shermans 62,000 strong army. Nearly all the fighting took place on Southern soil, so that section suffered heavy war damage. Some regions, such as central Georgia and the Shenandoah Valley, were deliberately ravaged. Freeing of the slaves added a property loss estimated at $2 billion. The Federal government spent more than $6 billion on the war; the Confederacy, perhaps $ 2 billion. Both sides sustained heavy casualties. There were far more deaths caused by disease than by combat. Estimated total deaths are 360,000 for the union army and 260,000 for the Confederate army.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Event design and experience

Event design and experience Introduction Before we can discuss what an event is we must understand what the definition of event design is, for the purpose of this report we shall be employing a definition taken from EMBOK which we feel is the clearest definition. Event management is the process by which an event is planned, prepared and produced. As with any other form of management, it encompasses the assessment, definition, acquisition, allocation, direction, control and analysis of time, finances, people, products, services and other resources to achieve objectives. An event a mangers job is to oversee and arrange every aspect of an event, including researching, planning, organizing, implementing, controlling and evaluation and events design, activities and production. Silver (2004a) Update EMBOK structure. Chicago the theatrical musical was performed at the Kings Theatre, Glasgow and was attended on the 10th October 2009. For the purpose of this report we shall be looking at the how the event was staged and the interaction of the performers, audience members and stakeholders which when put together would hopefully make the experience a positive one for all those involved. The first known record of theatre was noted by historians in the performance of the sacred plays of the myth of Osiris and Isis in 2500 BC in Egypt. This story of the god Osiris was performed by the Egyptians annually at festivals throughout its civilization and thus marking the beginning of a long relationship between theatre and religion. Theatre has also played a large part in society by interacting with the public as well as entertaining and educating them. Description of Event The main purpose of modern theatre is to entertain the customer and as such that is the main reason why people in 2010 attend productions. Kings Theatre, Glasgow was opened in 1904 at such a time when Glasgow was one of the leading industrial cities in the UK if not the world and as such the building retains a sense of history for customers who attend performances today. The performance on the night lasted 2 hours 30 minutes with one standard interval of 15 minutes after the 1st act which is common place for all theatre productions. Seating in the Kings Theatre is over 4 levels and includes Stalls, Grand Circle, Upper Circle and the Gallery and shall seat a maxim of 1,785. On the night of the 10th October the cast was performing to a Full House as it was the productions last Saturday night performance before leaving Glasgow, this factor was an added bonus when it came to the atmospheric conditions for the customers or another word for it would be an Eventscape Analysis of Elements of Interaction Interacting people At an event such as a musical not only is it the cast and audience who interact but a whole host of other people which could include the stakeholders, ticket sellers, ushers, merchanance sellers. Rossman states that to; Understand the role that relationships play in the interaction of a programme and anticipating how they may contribute to or detract from client satisfaction is an important element of place. Programmers cannot simply assume that the best course of action is always to foster or create a relationship between individuals who attend an event Rossman (2003, p.38) As such event designers do not have to provide a relationship for everyone or different groups that shall take part in the production and subsequently if they do they run the risk of over complicating the event. First contact that a customer would have had in regards to Chicago the Musical would either have been the advertisement of the event or the online or telephone booking of tickets. This is where the customer will start to make expected expectations and where the event designer and the customer can differ in their expectations, which could lead to a shortfall for the customer and disappointment for the event designer. What would be the purpose of an event if people were not going to participating in the event! The answer would be none. People are what make an event; they are what make an experience by interacting with the customers or participants. Since this report is going to be in reference to a theatrical event I shall try to include references which will refer to the theatre. Relationships Jackson argues that, not only are characters and story line likely to have the biggest impact upon audiences but the metatext (Harris et al., 2003) is an important task that needs to be undertaken for events if they are to reach their experiential goal (2005, p.8). Taking this into account and having the currant fashion of casting celebrities in leading roles in order to capitalise on multiple audience avenues, this will offer the event designer the possibility of increased numbers for the run of the production. This extra dimension could offer another market base of potential audience members who had never previously considered going to the theatre. Their first contact would have maybe been an article in a newspaper or online advertising the fact that their favourite soup star would be performing in Chicago. In this case the soup fan feels that they already have a relationship with the character but this relationship runs the risk of failing due to pre-conceived ideas and expectatio ns when the soup character is confused with the theatre character or falls short of delivery. Rules Rules play a large part in everyday life and are a guide as to how we can interact with others or situations. Rossman, 2003 states that Rules through are also codified and ceremonial and there are also rules of everyday discourse that require understanding. Looking at the example of the theatrical performance of Chicago which was performed at the Kings Theatre Glasgow, this event ran to a widely accepted template of rules and rituals. Although there are rules which are in place for the purpose of legal or for behaviour reasons, there are also polite-ceremonial rules which are also in force throughout the performance. An example of this would be that it would be deemed inappropriate for an audience member to talk or leave their seats while the performance is still taking place. Another polite-ceremonial rule would be that it would be considered rude for any audience members to eat anything which would make a noise and distract other audience members from enjoying the performance. By having rules which govern the audiences interaction of the performance this would influence the experience that the audience would have. Common place for theatrical performances is to have everyone seated at least 5 minutes before the performance is due to start this is done by the means of a tannoy annoyisment of Ladies and Gentlemen, 5 minute to curtain call. There are also rituals which take place before, during and after a performance and would be expected by the audience, if they did not take place and audience could possibly feel disappointment or even that the performance was incomplete. Audience member through past experiences and expectations now assume that the all the cast should take to the stage for one last bow and then clear the stage to be left with the leading actors for a final bow and show of appreciation . If this was not to happen I feel that the audience would continue to sit in their seats with a feeling of confusion and disappointment. Objects There are three different types of objects as stated by and they are represented by social, symbolic and physical meaning. For the purpose of the Chicago performance the object which has become symbolic for the performance would be the score which was composed by Fred Ebb according to the Internet Broadway Database ( Without this particular music the performance for Chicago would not be Chicago, it would become something else completely. Looking at the physical objects of the musical this would include the Kings Theatre building in which the performance took place. Also the characters themselves in the musical would be a physical aspect for the objects as the characters are specific to this musical and could not be transferred to another. For the Social object for the performance the audience had come together for a shared experience with most having an appreatation for musicals. They would have had to have paid for their tickets and as such would have either purchased them online or direct at the ticket office at the Kings Theatre. Physical Setting Chicago the Musical was staged as discussed earlier at the Kings Theatre, Glasgow. Possible locations for a world renowned musical to be staged in Glasgow would only include the Kings and Theatre Royal, bookings for both theatres would have been made at least 1 year in advance. Venues for theatre or musicals can vary according to many factors which could influence the choice for the event designer. Physical Setting for the event designer would also look at catchment area for customers the reason why Glasgow was chosen would include the fact that it is Scotlands largest city and that the musical had already performed at the Edinburgh Playhouse. Fortunately the performance of the musical is not synonymous with the venue and this allows the act to travel to new locations. Although the venue does change, the set in regards to the performance shall stay the same no matter where the musical is performed. This means that there is no limit to where the event can perform but also that there is continuity for the customers who do attend the event at the different locations. According to Allen el al., 2005 The relationship between event and location is often fundamental to the experience, and one useful categorisation is that given to hallmark events where the event has become linked and identified with the spirit of a particular place. Also to be included in the Physical setting of the performance would be the temperature for the audience members, whether that to be too cold, too hot or it was an outdoor event if it was raining. On the night of the 10th October the Kings Theatre, Glasgow was a capacity sell out performance and the outside temperature was pleasant for the time of year. Unfortunately for the whole of both the first and second half of the performance the inside temperature of the theatre was unbearably hot which resulted in the side emergency exists being opened to although cooler air for the cast and audience members. This aspect resulted in audiences members having a negative experience throughout the performance which could have jeopardised the whole enjoyment of the event for the audience. Animation Graham Berridge states that animation in regards to events is the most difficult of the 6 elements which we have covered in this report. Some of the most successful events are the ones that appear to be spontaneous in their design for the audience, although this is rarely the case from the event designers point of view. In regards to a theatrical performance in the terms of animation all plays, operas, musicals and theatre productions must from both the audience and the actors perceptive have structure throughout the performances although for different reasons. For the purpose of theatre the performance must have structure in order for the event to run smoothly and on schedule, this must be planned in advance. Movement, dance and choreography must be planned and rehearsed and actors must learn their lines. All this once put together would allow the audience members to feel that the performance, although staged the overlapping elements will have a flow to the design. If an audience member were to purchase a Programme Guide on the night of Chicago they would have had clear written view of the structure of the performance and the actors as well as when they could anticipate the break in the show. Conclusion In order to fully understand an event the customer or audience member must be able to analyse what has happened at that event to completely experience the full effect from the event. For people in the events industry to try and understand an event, Solomon (1983) provides the industry with a definition which will allow us to break down the process of analyse; Symbolic interactionism focuses on the processes by which individuals understand their world. It assumes that people interpret the actions of others rather than simply react to them Solomon (1983) Audience members throughout the theatrical performance shall interpret different symbols and react to them in their own way which shall result in the event designer having to anticipate every possible reaction, which is extremely difficult. Was the event a success? This question shall be answered differently for each and every audience member as each person will interpret the event in their own way. Each of Rossmans six elements will go into their event analysis and will result in understanding the event better. The theartrcal performance of Chicago runs to a well oiled plan which is easily transferred from one venue to another and has run since 1975. This allows the cast and crew to have an easy tranison between locations and would show up any potential problems to the event designers. References Allen, Judy, The Business of Event Planning. 2004 edition. John Wiley Sons Canada Ltd Anglia Ruskin University, Harvard System of Referencing Guide, Available at [Accessed 25/11/09] Berridge, Graham, Events Design and Experience. 2009 edition. Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann Blowdin Glenn, Allen Johny, OToole William, Harris Rob, McDonnell Ian, Events Management. 2nd Edition. Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann Internet Broadway Database, Available at, [Accessed 20/12/09]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Teachings of Life Through the River Essay -- Personal Experience, Autob

My father was always a man of infinite knowledge for those willing to listen. Unbeknownst to him, his knowledge extends beyond what he has to teach. For example, when asked how to clean a fish, he goes through the process in great detail. From where the incision is made to de-scaling the fish, he would always emphasize the care, attention to the smallest detail. With every lesson, the majority of his teachings show how no matter how long the task, any person will always have enough time to finish what they set out to do. As with most aspects of life the same principles apply. The most memorable time of my life was my father’s ecstatic look when I said I would love to learn how to fly fish. When camping as a child of eight years old, my parents, sister, our two dogs and I would go for a hike. During most hikes, we would trek near a small creek or tributary, my father would take off, on his own, to fly fish. I could only stand in awe as the fly line’s arc, still wet, would glisten over my father’s head during each cast. I wasn’t of age to learn the art quite yet. My mother would grab the back of my shirt and drag me back to the hiking trail for fear of me falling in. With every time she pulled me back, I would dig my heels into the ground and flail my arms violently to try and loosen her grip. All I wanted to do was watch and contemplate in my father’s love and splendor for fly fishing. The day eventually came when I was of age to learn the art of fly fishing. At the age of twelve or so, he popped the question, â€Å"do you want to learn how to fly fish† and all the heavy gates lifted. To me, learning how to fly fish would finally bring me that one step closer into the same graces of manhood where my father already stood, patience, ... will always be a long, treacherous path ahead. This path is almost always a bumpy one and is most definitely not a straight one. In one class, a person may completely disagree with a teacher and never heed any of their advice. In others, the teacher could very well be one, if not the only reason for even attending that class. No matter what the circumstances, patience will play an extreme role in anyone’s successful journey through education. Now, patience is never the only thing that gets a person through, determination plays the role of perpetuating the patience, much like catching your dinner. For many, the determination is to attain a better, more fulfilled life. For some, the goal is merely to have fun with their career in the future. Whatever the case may be, patience, determination, and, if that person has it, a little bit of finesse will take anyone far.

Creating a Web Site about the Cherokee Removal in 1838 :: Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis For my final project, I decided to work on a functional Web site, one that has a purpose. It's part of another project I'm working on with the Multicultural Archive of Georgia. The purpose of my final project is a pedagogical one. It is simply a helpful, educational site on the Web. For the most part, my project focuses on four maps that come from the Hargrett Rare Manuscript Library. Most of the maps focus on the state of Georgia, with an emphasis on the former territories of the Eastern Cherokee nation. My site takes these four maps and analyses them in the context of the Cherokee Removal in 1838. The site's analysis takes several dimensions that are only possible on the Internet. First and foremost, it offers visitors access to these four maps. In just seconds of loading time, visitors get a glimpse of these maps on a page without any interference. The viewers can see these rare maps without the hassle of going to the library and can access the maps at anytime they wish, day or night. My site and the Hargrett Rare Manuscript site provide this convenience, but more than just access my site offers context. For each of the four maps, I also provide a brief, but interesting and factually correct historically background for the maps. They emphasize the conditions of the Cherokee around the year each map was produced. Again providing this kind of information is only practical in the web. For one delivering such facts together in a library would be complicated and impossible. While no textbook, though it may offer the historical facts related to the Cherokee, could also deliver the details of the maps as well as a hypertext page can. While not featured in the current draught of my site, in the future lesson plans will be made available to take advantage of the Web's didactic possibilities. With the maps and the historical contexts, the lesson plan will be designed for high school students and teachers. The aim of which would be to cut out the research time for teachers. With their busy schedules its tough to come up with an interesting topic, on say the Cherokee, then research it, then implement an assignment. With my web site it will all be ready and available-because of the Internet-at their fingertips. As the website exists now, however, I have offered a draft of my proposal to the undergraduate research program at UGA, which presents my plan for the final version of this website. Creating a Web Site about the Cherokee Removal in 1838 :: Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Analysis For my final project, I decided to work on a functional Web site, one that has a purpose. It's part of another project I'm working on with the Multicultural Archive of Georgia. The purpose of my final project is a pedagogical one. It is simply a helpful, educational site on the Web. For the most part, my project focuses on four maps that come from the Hargrett Rare Manuscript Library. Most of the maps focus on the state of Georgia, with an emphasis on the former territories of the Eastern Cherokee nation. My site takes these four maps and analyses them in the context of the Cherokee Removal in 1838. The site's analysis takes several dimensions that are only possible on the Internet. First and foremost, it offers visitors access to these four maps. In just seconds of loading time, visitors get a glimpse of these maps on a page without any interference. The viewers can see these rare maps without the hassle of going to the library and can access the maps at anytime they wish, day or night. My site and the Hargrett Rare Manuscript site provide this convenience, but more than just access my site offers context. For each of the four maps, I also provide a brief, but interesting and factually correct historically background for the maps. They emphasize the conditions of the Cherokee around the year each map was produced. Again providing this kind of information is only practical in the web. For one delivering such facts together in a library would be complicated and impossible. While no textbook, though it may offer the historical facts related to the Cherokee, could also deliver the details of the maps as well as a hypertext page can. While not featured in the current draught of my site, in the future lesson plans will be made available to take advantage of the Web's didactic possibilities. With the maps and the historical contexts, the lesson plan will be designed for high school students and teachers. The aim of which would be to cut out the research time for teachers. With their busy schedules its tough to come up with an interesting topic, on say the Cherokee, then research it, then implement an assignment. With my web site it will all be ready and available-because of the Internet-at their fingertips. As the website exists now, however, I have offered a draft of my proposal to the undergraduate research program at UGA, which presents my plan for the final version of this website.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Freckle Juice :: essays research papers

Freckle Juice is a classic children's book written by Judy Blume. Although written in 1971, the story can relate to every new generation of middle school aged children. The book revolves around Andrew Marcus, a freckleless boy with a burning desire to have freckles. His greatest object of envy is Nicky Lane, whom he sits behind in class. Nicky is covered with freckles. Unfortunately, Andrew also shares his classroom with Sharon, a conniving little girl. Once Sharon learns of Andrew's desire to have freckles, she sells him a bogus recipe for "Freckle Juice," which Sharon guarantees will produce freckles. The recipe is a nauseating concoction of kitchen items, including vinegar, onions, and mustard. When Andrew drinks the "Freckle Juice" he not only becomes violently sick, but fails to get any freckles. Not wanting to return to school still freckleless, Andrew covers his face with blue dots with a magic marker. His classmates find his blue freckles amusing. Then hi s teacher, Miss Kelley, gives him a "secret formula" to remove the "freckles," and stresses to Andrew that he is very handsome with without freckles. Andrew also learns that Nicky is actually envious of him because he doesn't have freckles.I enjoyed reading this book. I feel that someone in any age group could read the story, enjoy it, and understand the value of self concept and self esteem that it emphasizes. Nearly every human finds a flaw in them whether it is obesity, mannerisms, language, or not having freckles! This story encourages people to see themselves as others do, and to appreciate the qualities they possess. I strongly feel that Freckle Juice would be an important component to teach in the middle grade classroom. Children at this age level can feel extremely self conscious of their appearance, as they are evolving from adolescence to puberty.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Energy Conversation States

TMA03 Covering Block 3 Question 1 (a)An impactor mass of 45 kg is used to represent the weight of child reasonably regarded to be involved in an accident with glass or plastics. (b)The BS standards gives the manufacturers a clear set of standards that their products need to achieve to be safe and fit for the purpose that they have been designed for. It also gives the purchaser the expectation that the item has reached the standards set down by the BSI and will be a safe for the expected life of the item. (c) (i)The energy on impact is calculated by using the following equations:Potential Energy (PE) = mass x gravity x height This gives the potential energy at the height when the ball is held at the start of the test. This can be used as a check to for the Kinetic energy (KE) equation as the law of energy conversation states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant. So the PE when the ball is held at height wil l be the same as the KE just before the impact with the glass. To calculate the KE use the equation KE = ? mv2 (ii) Using the KE equation from question (i)KE = ? mv2 |u = initial velocity | |v = final velocity | |a = acceleration | |s = distance | Insert the constants of Mass = 45kg To calculate the v2 using the equation v2 = u2 + 2 x a x s For test 1 KE = ? mv2 For the v2 v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 305 Gives 5978 Insert in to KE = ? mv2 to give KE = ? x 45 x 5978 To give 134505 = 135J to 3 sf To check use PE = mgh 45 x 9. 8 x 305 = 134505 Round up to 3 sf to give 135 J So PE =KE 135J is as given in BS 6206:1981. For test 2KE = ? mv2 For the v2 v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 457 Gives 8957. 2 Insert in to KE = ? mv2 to give KE = ? x 45 x 8957. 2 To give 201537 = 202J to 3 sf To check use PE = mgh 45 x 9. 8 x 457 = 201537 Round up to 3 sf to give 202 J So PE =KE 202J is as given in BS 6206:1981. For Test 3 KE = ? mv2 For the v2 v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 1219 Gives 23892. 4 Insert in to KE = ? mv2 to give KE = ? x 45 x 23892. 4 To give 537579 = 538J to 3 sf To check use PE = mgh 45 x 9. 8 x 1219 = 537579 Round up to 3 sf to give 538 J So PE =KE 538J is as given in BS 6206:1981 iii) The velocity that the impactor strikes the glass when it is dropped from a height of 1219 mm is calculated as above using: v2 = u2 + 2 x a x s v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 1219 = 23892. 4 v = (23892. 4= 154. 6 m s-1 Question 2 (a)There are 3 main features of an invention to make it patentable. It has to have something new about it; this could be an improvement on an existing item. Also it must have a purpose (useful) and be able to be manufactured but this is not as important with today’s technologies as a software program can be patented. b) (i) The advantages of using a hollow shape for lintels are that a solid lintel is both heavy and cumbersome when it is in transit and when being manoeuvred into position at the build site. The added weight of the lintel will also require the supporting wall to be at a required strength to support the lintel and the load above it. They can be considered that they can be over designed for the job that they are intended for. It is possible to remove material from a beam without compromising its strength, as the material removed will be from areas that the stress is negligibly small is not a large volume.The stiffness of the beam will depend upon the properties of the material used in its construction and the component geometry of the design of the beam. (ii) In the Dorman Long patent the suggested material of construction plate/sheet steel. The use of plate/sheet steel is favoured due to its stiffness compared to its weight and that it can be easily folded or rolled in the construction of the lintel. (c) (i) Refer back to claim 1 of the Catnic patent as discussed in Block 3 Part 2.List the ‘essential integers’ of the Catnic lintel, and identify which component part is absent from the Dorman Long patent. a first horizontal plate or part adapted to support a course or plurality of superimposed units forming part of the inner skin and a second horizontal plate or part substantially parallel to the first and spaced there from in a downward vertical direction and adapted to span the cavity in the cavity wall and be supported at least at each end thereof upon courses forming parts of the outer and inner skins respectively of the cavity wall adjacent an a perture, and first rigid inclined support member extending downwardly and forwardly from or near the front edge adjacent the cavity of the first horizontal plate or part and forming with the second plate or part at an intermediate position which lies between the front and rear edge of the second plate or part and adapted to extend across the cavity, and a second rigid support member extending vertically from or from near the rear edge of the first horizontal plate or part to join with the second plate or part adjacent its rear edge. ii) The supporting member between th e two Suggest what effect the extra part is likely to have on the performance of the Catnic lintel compared to the Dorman Long lintel. (6 + 2 = 8 marks) Question 3 a) Although in a perfect environment there would be no risk to any persons or property and to remove any risk would mean stopping the processes that give rise to risk. However that is not the case so there will always risk involved in everything that we carry out.I have widely based this answer on the nuclear power industry where the risks involved are both acceptable and less acceptable. |Risk more acceptable | |No alternatives available |This could be classed as the use of a radio active fuel in a nuclear power | | |station.The risk of its use would be classed as acceptable as there is not| | |a suitable alternative as a fuel. | |Risk known with certainty |The use of a radio active fuel and its risks are known with certainty and | | |should be factored in to the design and management of the facility. | |Risk less accep table | |Effect delayed |Prolonged exposure to a radio active element will have a delayed effect | | dependant upon the length and magnitude of the exposure. So if these | | |exposures are not monitored and controlled the risk would be less | | |acceptable. | |Consequences irreversible |Again as the damage done from high, prolonged exposure to a radio active | | |element to the human body can be irreversible.Also a spillage or | | |accidental release to the environment could lead to the area being of no use| | |to the local population for a considerable time. | b) The principle of ALARP where improvements to the systems or process to reduce the risks are shown to be greater than the costs in the production compared to the benefits gained. The extra costs may be balanced against the risk reduction, for example, reducing the risk of exposure to the environment and humanity from hazardous chemicals or ionising radiation.The ALARP assessment in figure 3 shows that the acceptable risk fo r electrical control systems has been broken in to 3 defined harm categories. The inverted triangles show that as the frequency of those injured rises then the risk becomes less tolerable. The area shaded â€Å"broadly acceptable† shows that the processes carried out do not pose a risk to those involved, risk is negligible and it will be necessary to maintain checks and safety futures to keep the injuries at this level.In the area marked â€Å"tolerable if ALARP† shows the area that the risk of injury to those involved in the process ahs increased, if the risk was under taken then there could be a benefit. This can be broken into 2 further subsections, if the frequency is low the it can be tolerable if the cost of the risk reduction exceeds the improvement, as the frequency increases then it would only be tolerable if the risk reduction is impractical or the cost disproportionate to the gains in improvement.The area shaded â€Å"intolerable† is the area where th e frequency is at it highest and therefore the risk cannot be justified unless in exceptionable circumstances, for example working on a live high voltage electrical system. Question 4 Table 4. 4 in Block 3 Part 4 shows the various stages in energy conversion for fuel used to power a computer. It shows a hypothetical balance sheet for energy conversion from chemical energy (in a fuel) to light energy (light emitted by a computer display). a) The law of energy conversation states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed but transformed into different forms of energy i. . to heat, light, or noise energy. Therefore the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant. Explain briefly the principle of the conservation of energy, and how it applies at each stage in the energy conversion process. (2 marks) (b) Calculate the percentage of the total available energy that is converted to: (a) heat (b) noise (c) electrical energy. In each case, show your working fully. (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 marks) †¢ break into three parts†¦ energy required for ice to reach a temp of 0 q1 = mcT q1 = 11. 75 g(2. 09 J/g ·Ã‚ °C)(-5. 00 °C-0 °C) q1 = -122. 8J second part nergy required for change of states from solid to liquid q2 = n*? Hfus n = 11. 75g / 18. 02g/mol n = 0. 65mol q2 = 0. 65mol * 6. 02 kJ/mol q2 = 4. 0kJ careful units!!!! q2 = 4000J third part.. energy required for liquid water from 0 to 0. 500 °C†¦ q3 = mcT q3 = 11. 75 g(4. 21 J/g ·Ã‚ °C)(0. 500 – 0) q3 = 24. 7J ENERGY IN TOTAL†¦ E = q1 + q2 + q3 E = -122. 8J + 4000J + 24. 7J E = 3902J The final 10 marks for the assignment are awarded for presentation – see the guidance in the introduction to this booklet. These will be scored on the PT3 form as Question 5. Assignment Booklet

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Quality Improvement Proposal Essay

birth control device mea authorizeds to stop the spread of the infections is lacking staggeringly in the work and aim to pr mangleer safety for all unhurrieds hygienicness. The work conveyed to you is an effort to degrade the involution of the infections talked about supra that bring crazy house in a long-suffering of roles healing process. The main priorities that exit assistance patients wellness and emend their out begins when it comes to their medical checkup exam ask be detecting causes of the infections, resolutions as vigorous as caliber improvement steps. This min divide volition discuss infections assertworthy from infirmarys.Infections that patients with weaker repellent systems/who be sick break away to get as was stated previous are TB (Tuberculosis), VRE (Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus), VAP (Ventilator Associated Pneumonia), C-diff (Clost unblockium difficile), UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), and MRSA (methicillin-resistant staph aureus) . VRE is described as an inherited modify stretch of enterococcus that was first created in military man who were exposed to an antibiotic called vancomycin (Hedman, 2010). VRE net non pay an effect on nation whose health is in good condition, but force out be deadly to those whose immune systems are weakened.VRE is dispersed finished in take away and direct contact. VAP is a contamination of peerlesss lungs that they picked up from a hospital reprimand or stay. (A. D. A. M. , 2011). In a normal healthy someone, pneumonia is generally non deadly. Pneumonia stock from a hospital support be deadly to a person with a weakened immune system, newborn, or the elderly, as it gets germs from the ventilation. C-diff is spore-foaming bacteria that are picked up done cells in feces that are hoodlum to kill (Hedman, 2010). A person lot receive C-dff similarly by overwhelming too many antibiotics.Spores in feces can expand onto the hands of volume who declare come into conta ct with an otherwise(prenominal) patient who has C-diff. C-diff spores can stay vital for several months and can be arrange in unclean places, for example floors and bedpans (Hedman, 2010). UTI is reliable with perineal guard of patients, where thither was not a proper social occasion of cleaning methods. UTI is bladder inflammation and creates a burning feeling mostly when urinating (Hedman, 2010). Catheters can in any case cause UTIs if not taken care of properly are by existence kept in too big.Lastly MRSA is an antibiotic-resistant infection that a lot of times is promise from people that are hospitalized in other medical facilities for example, long-term care facilities (Hedman, Fuzy, & Rymer, 2010). It can also be transmitted by cobblers last physical contact with another person who has it or by touching something that that infect individual has touched. This sepa appraise discusses some causes of infections contract through a hospital. A huge cause of infections is improper sanitary actions and organise among patients.A prerequisite for hospital histrions when they go into a patients room that has a colly person in it is to repose on own(prenominal) protective equipment for example, gloves, gown, goggles and a mask depending on how serious the patients infected illness is. There are health doers that think proper procedure is not necessary and that they cannot contract the infection through their work clothes or through them since they are healthy (Melissa, CNA instructor, personal communication, 2012). What they do not consider is the deputering of germs from patient to patient through lag transfer.Unfortunately they do not take into consideration the transfer of germs from one patient to another indeed to a health worker. Among reviewing CNAs at a long-term care facility, it was seen that some CNAs did not take off their gloves among giving perineal care of a patient after the patient utilize the bathroom and the CNA reached fo r the patients uprise to put on the patient for that day. The CNA put every patient at run a risk of spotting the infection and the patients clothes could boast became a source of C-diff.There are many cases similar to the one above where health workers are in a rush and do not come their job/skills that they get been taught correctly. Health workers being in a rush also is due to shortage of staff. The CNAs at the long term facility discussed in this paragraph work a 91 ratio, which causes challenges for the health workers to give quality care to the patients. This paragraph justifys ways to prevent infections contracted from hospitals. The number one way to unhorse the spread of infections contracted through a hospital is correct sanitation customs.occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a federal government agency has come up with guidelines in order to care against the expansion of infections and diseases for patients and the workers (Hedman, 2010). It is mandatory for administrators of hospitals to write a disclosure policy to protect the workers from infections analogous Hepatitis B and other infections and bad bacteria. Minimizing infections that the workers have can attend to in stopping the spread of nosomical infections.The World Health arranging (WHO) explains that prevention of nosomical infections requires an integrated, monitored, programme (Ducel, Fabry & Nicole, 2002, p 30). The plan-do-check-act will benefit to minimize the nosomical infections and advance to a patients positive result. The future(a) are steps for the pan-do-check-act first off develop a plan to serve well find the issue, secondly put unneurotic a group that will administer the quality improvement proceedings, thirdly explain the procedure by creating some role of charts, and lastly choosing the correct proceedings to hold quality improvement.Every single one of those steps used will aid in minimizing the infections contracted from hospitals th at are plaguing hospital environments (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2007). This program will make sure the correct methods for washing hands, wearing personal equipment to protect, and disinfect properly. The workers need to acknowledge their environment when it poses a risk of transmitting infections. When a staff member soils their clothes with anything standardised blood or any instance of fluid that has threatening pathogens, it is a moldiness to change their attire. (Ducel, 2002). other main want is to clean/sterilize equipment and instruments correctly to rid all pathogens. It is very essential to coiffure the correct steps and procedures during disinfecting and cleaning hospital rooms after each patient leaves. Ways to help reduce contracting infections from hospitals are by each worker following sanitary procedures as well. Lastly, this paragraph describes stakeholders that will be affected from the carrying into action of this final cause. Stakeholders that will be influence d by the marriage offer are the employer, providers, patients, and the payers.As long as osomical infections remain to be an agent in medical facilities then providers jeopardize losing their bonuses, because of the rate of infections received from hospitals being high. The ones who are give want providers to give quality health care to the patients without anything that causes more needed health care visits, and tests (Patient safety, 2005) the infections contracted from hospitals are determined under the scope of quality medical care and require a high payout. The one the patient works for loses anxiety time while the patient is not there. The one who is mainly affected from this proposal is the patient.Not only does the patient have to pay for their time at the hospital but also have to rile about an unwanted infection. From this proposal the patient will gain a better outcome, have less of a fiscal burden, and better health. The ones who pay and their provider will maintai n their agreement of quality improve health care. The employer of the patient as well will retrieve normal production, because of their worker returning quickly. In conclusion, contracting infections from hospitals can be deadly to newborns, the elderly, and ones with weakened immune systems.One thing that will lower nosomical infections are health care staff taking the proper steps of sanitation. Another main source of giving patients a positive result is the plan-do-check-act plan of quality improvement. Most patients give trust to their medical providers. With that said it is feasible that a patient should be able to put trust in all his providers to see that he recovers fast with contracting no other infections.

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

Not all knowledge management demands technology.A Human Capital Management Solution, Human financial Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), as it is commonly called is the crossing of HR systems and processes with information technology.The wave of technological advancement has revolutionized each logical and every space of life today, and HR in its entirety was not lower left untouched by it. What started off with a simple software to help improve the payroll parallel processing of an organization, or a software to track the employee work timings has grown to become the Human Resources systems that helps improve the process efficiency, reduces the cost and first time spent on mundane tasks and at the same time improved the overall experience of the employees and the HR professionals. In short, as the role of Human Resources function evolved, HR technology systems consider also changed the role they were playing.Quantifying the performanc e of employees against goals it regarded as proactively managing the performance of employees and enhancing the normal operation of the organisation.To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, organizations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing specialized human resource senior management systems. HR executives rely on internal or external IT professionals to develop and maintain an integrated HRMS. Before client–server architectures evolved in the late 1980s, many HR automation processes were relegated to  mainframe computers that could handle first large amounts of data transactions.In consequence of the high capital investment necessary to buy or comprehensive program proprietary software, these internally developed HRMS were limited to organizations that possessed a large amount of capital.

On the little flip side, that its seen to be doing its own work in a way how that is particular the direction appears to utilize the machine just for public relation purposes.Performance appraisal4. Benefits administration5. HR management more information system6. Recruiting/Learning management7.Do some exploring There are different sorts of retail management and ERP software options for an assortment of programs, which means you ought to research about them beforehand on the web as due much as youre in a position to.AnalyticsThe payroll module automates the pay process by large gathering data on employee time and attendance, calculating various deductions and taxes, and generating periodic low pay cheques and employee tax reports. Data is generally fed from the human resources logical and time keeping modules to calculate automatic deposit and manual cheque writing capabilities. This module can encompass all employee-related transactions as well as integrate with existing fin ancial management systems. The time and attendance module gathers standardized time and work related efforts.

A company includes.The HR management module is a component covering many other HR aspects from application to retirement. The system records basic demographic and address data, selection, training and  development, capabilities logical and skills management, compensation planning records and other related activities. Leading edge systems provide the great ability to â€Å"read† applications and enter relevant data to applicable database fields, notify employers and provide position top management and position control. Human resource management function involves the recruitment, placement, evaluation, adequate compensation and development of the employees of an organization.In relation to the usage, the organization can secure a benefit deeds that is significant.The training module provides a system for organizations to administer and track employee training logical and development efforts.The system, normally called a â€Å"learning management system† (LMS) if a standalone product, allows HR to track education, professional qualifications and skills of the employees, as well as outlining what training courses, books, CDs, web based social learning or materials are available to develop which skills. Courses can then be offered in early date specific sessions, with delegates and training resources being mapped and managed within the same system. Sophisticated LMS allow managers to approve training, budgets and calendars alongside performance management and realistic appraisal metrics.

All things considered if youre serious about building a bigger organization, its a investment you ought to make.requests from their subordinates through the system without overloading the task on HR department.Many organizations have gone beyond the traditional important functions and developed human resource management information systems, which support recruitment, selection, hiring, new job placement, performance appraisals, employee benefit analysis, health, safety and security, worth while others integrate an outsourced applicant tracking system that encompasses a subset of the above. Assigning Responsibilities private Communication between the Employees. The Analytics module enables organizations to extend the value of an HRMS implementation by extracting HR related data for use with other business intelligence platforms.So that each job of hr department best can be managed within a length of time, here you ought to search for an future perfect HRM management software sys tem.In this sense, retention becomes the strategies rather than the outcome. A distinction should be drawn between low performing employees and top performers, and efforts to retain employees should be targeted at valuable, contributing employees. Employee turnover is a symptom of a deeper issue that has not been resolved. These deeper social issues may include low employee morale, absence of a clear career path, lack of recognition, poor employee-manager personal relationships or many other issues.

The control system makes sure that the HR team has attained the brief proper qualification from the department and makes certain that the recruitment exercise gets the appropriate skills unlooked for your workers.However, this isn’t always the case. Employers can seek â€Å"positive turnover† whereby they aim to maintain only those employees who they consider to be high performers.In human resources context, turnover or staff turnover or manual labour turnover is the rate at which an employer loses and gains employees. Simple ways to describe it are â€Å"how long employees tend to stay† or â€Å"the rate of traffic through the revolving door†.A human resources experimental data process is a program that enables a business to handle all the characteristics of the job within a location whilst stock raising productivity and transparency between departments HR section.Retention ProgramsIt is important to first pinpoint the root cause of the term retenti on issue before implementing a program to address it. Once identified, a program can be tailored to meet the unique needs of the organization. A variety of programs exist to help increase employee retention. Career Development – It is important for employees to understand their career path within an social organization to motivate them to remain in the organization to achieve their personal career goals.

how There are two forms of totally free HR app.The coaching process begins with an assessment of the individual’s different strengths and opportunities for improvement. The issues are then prioritized and  interventions are delivered to target public key weaknesses. Assistance is then provided to encourage repeated use of newly acquired skills. Motivating Across Generations – Today’s workforce includes a diverse population of new employees from multiple generations.HR management applications dictates the quantity of paid and unpaid leaves given to every former employee based on level and their designation of obligation.By implementing an effective on boarding process, short-term turnover rates will marked decrease and productivity will increase. Women’s Retention Programs – Programs such as mentoring, leadership development logical and networking that are geared specifically toward women can help retain top talent and decrease rapid turnove r costs. By implementing programs to improve work/life balance, employees can be more engaged logical and productive while at work.Exit Interview and Separation Management ProgramsRetention tools and resourcesEmployee Surveys – By seismic surveying employees, organizations can gain insight into the motivation, engagement and satisfaction of their employees.

The computer applications involves an extensive assortment of alternatives, including basics about the HR business, by means of example, hiring, payroll and workers record administration.Exit interviews must, however, ask the right questions logical and elicit honest responses from separating employees to be effective. Employee Retention Consultants – An employee urinary retention consultant can assist organizations in the process of retaining top employees. Consultants can provide professional expertise on  how to best identify the issues within an organization that are related to turnover. Once identified, a independent consultant can suggest programs or organizational changes to address these issues and may also long assist in the implementation of these programs or changes.Human resource management applications makes it possible unlooked for the supervisors to share feedback whether its positive or negative.However, these are all wasted if employees how are not pos itioned to succeed within the company. Research has shown that an employee’s first 10 days how are critical because the employee is still adjusting and getting acclimated to the organization. Companies retain good employees by well being employers of choice. Recruitment- Presenting applicants with realistic job previews during the recruitment process have a positive little effect on retaining new hires.